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Everything posted by Backslash

  1. haha... well i do have one that i use, i didn't make it you want me to post it?
  2. Simple text spammer can be used in any window. Instructions: 1. Enter desired text 2. Hit "Start" 3. Click the form of the window you want to spam 4. Hit "Stop" when you are finished. Coded by me - Very Simple Text Spammer.zip
  3. Banned
  4. well the 5 people i know aren't banned yet so we will see.
  5. I went to GameStop tonight to reserve MW2 because my console was banned and I had bought a new 1. Anyway, the guy and I started talking about Game Craze in my area, North East USA and that most were selling them early. He said anyone who played it online before Tuesday November 10th, 2009, will be banned from Live (Console Ban) because they will find them playing before the release date. People who bought it would need proof of purchase from the receipt saying they bought that game. However the receipts issued at Game Craze stated "New Release: $59.99" instead of saying the game name. This will inhibit users from unbanning their consoles if indeed they bought it. ~ Words from GameStop Manager in Syracuse, New York. Also stated this information he obtained came directly from his corporate office. Discuss--
  6. Same goes for you Mr. 1 Post. Firstly, I am new HERE yes. Check me out on x360c buddy. Secondly my account cannot make any more accounts so I have to wait a little bit. So easy there tiger I don't scam, I would never scam, and I have no reason to scam.
  7. my admin account has been suspended for a while, "i downloaded" too much or something stupid, so give me about 5 days and i will be able to sell more.
  8. the accounts are created by my admin account on the spot so they are legit and brand new.
  9. Well i don't know man
  10. how is it questionable? The picture above is proof!
  11. Sounds good bro.
  12. close this please.
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