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Zerker4Life 24

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Everything posted by Zerker4Life 24

  1. 1718 downloads

    This Program is like Sigggggggggy, but it has the added convenience of opening a profile to. You can extract the Account file, and inject it. As well as Rehash\Resign the profile. http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad128/zerker4life24/AccountDecryptor.png Download Source: Here
  2. sorry i fixed it
  3. this is a vid i made on how to do this it explains it a littel better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jSYmNf8pE8
  4. thanks this will help it works i cant ttest it now though, but i have one qustion though add the teleporter and mod it does the elephant stay gone if you save the map
  5. hello im new to modding and i was just wondering if its possible to delete objects that are already on the map like on sandtrap could i delete the elephants??? if so can you tell me how or where to go to find out?? thanks becaus i tried everything i could but there always still there
  6. another not allowed is a55
  7. i know that does sound asume MacDonald's should use if for McCafe
  8. forgeable the site put a space there
  9. OK the first thing you do is mod as usual and place whatever you want to make into an elephant the elephant code is E311019B all you need to bo is change the first letter th F like this F311019B and there you go, does not work for all objects (im testing what it will work for) Here is a link to i map i made using this my elephant mod to use link open it in modio then open one of your files and copy the profile/console id's to my file then rehash and resign it move it to your hard drive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyTEhkLpB64
  10. ya if you want their gamertag you paste this into the discription <controller0_gamertag/> fot the day paste <day_of_week/> for the year paste <year/> or the time <time_hms/>
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