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Everything posted by ThatsWhatSheSaid

  1. Dood i agree.
  2. So many people. All of you boost. GAY, you cant count yerself as a prestige if you got there by boosting. thats just crap. play legit. dont be gay.
  3. wow dood, boosting is hella gay, if you cant get lvl 70 on your own. then you shouldnt play the game.
  4. Sweeet. I havw V2 ive been waiting for V3!
  5. I have this. it always says it cant connect to server
  6. i agree with dakote. sorry man.
  7. I could tell who prolly had modded this the second i started whatching. Lolz
  8. Just started the download=)
  9. AGGHHHH! I dont like anime. their mouths dont move with the words. and their chins are too pointy.
  10. How you gunna get it to me? and is it Xsata or xport?
  11. HE said its stealing cuz you lie to them about having a hard drive that didnt come with a cable. Idk. hes hella dumb.
  12. My dad wont let me. Becuase its "stealing" from microsoft. And he would throw it away when it got here.
  13. Whats the cheapest place to get Xport/Xsata. I need one. Yes im a newb, and im itching to make my first mod.
  14. Well. the title is pretty obvious. What do you think is the Best Modding program. Well for halo at least. I personally like forge2.6 but thats just me. Whats your opinion?
  15. ROFL:D that made me laugh so hard
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