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About superstud101

superstud101's Achievements


Recruit (1/44)



  1. Yer i did it with yours first with the misses and two mates. It was all good then did it for my son using iBotPeaches way and it was still easy but i had a good team, i think if you have a noob on your team you should follow halo3's guide but if you have a good team and like the challenge id say to do iBotPeaches way cos its way more of a "YES BOI GET IN THERE" moment
  2. wow never thought you could do that and yer that's just funny
  3. yer your rite there i done it last nite and it was easy had 22 lives when the achievement popped and then we just ended the game.
  4. Hi all iv just got the 1k out of ODST an thought we could start a 1k club so if you have done it please post and do the poll.
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