Say what? ^_o Nah I just saw all the things saying those things and I thought I may aswell post those things in a list to stop the annoying picture things with that dude in all those costume things. :\
I don't "claim" they're buttons, they are buttons, when I click them, they make shit appear. Activate GC brings Google Chrome up. By replace I mean I use that instead of desktop.
Cheers, I just made a Web Browser for it too. Do you know any way so it runs off of the Google Chrome engine instead of Internet Explorer? Cos.. y'know.. it's IE..
What's wallpapers with text added to them? I know the background image is yeah but the buttons and stuff :\ It's just an interface I replaced my Desktop with. ******* hell
I assumed suspended meant banned. By the way, did you have to be so cryptic? It's like you expect everyone to be like oh my god no way and shit but really.. no. Ok? No. Good day.
I just created an Interface designed around ONI and Reach to replace my desktop. What do ya think? If you wanna try it out (please do, because I want to see what happens on someone else's PC) then here's the link: Feedback pl0x ~Finch
I just watched it all. It is awesome. Especially The Package. Watch it. Now.