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Everything posted by Goth

  1. nice 3 year bump bro
  2. Halo movie IS COMING OUT!! :D 2012 Read it all at Halomovie.org 609 days and 22 hours .
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rogue Modder

      Rogue Modder

      Price of Persia and Resident Evil. The only good game movies imo.
    3. Randomrocket


      Prince of Persia sucked I thought lol. Maybe because I think Jake Gyllenhaal is a crummy actor.
    4. Quinn


      I think they should make 3 Fallout 3 movies. Good Karma, Neutral and Bad Karma ;)
  3. how the **** did nothing start the nothing if there was literaly NOTHING thats like watching a dead light bulb turn on. it NEVER will.
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. jmdalmighty


      Ya even if we know it off(which I doubt) were still depleting earths resuraces at a high rate in 30 years we will have no oil or gas then what?
    3. jmdalmighty


      The best thing NASA can do is split it up so it burns up as it enters the atmoshepere
    4. REDSTAR 105

      REDSTAR 105

      alternate resources
  4. Hi, welcome to ibotmodz. And No, only teenagers. When i was 8, i had a gameboy, and a cheap laptop, now, 8 years old have cell phones, and a xbox 360.
  5. Actualy it's been out for 2 weeks now The leaked version much? but this is the retail editor not the reviewers version.
  6. you can finaly edit the .maps O:
  7. "that has to do with downloading the iso"
  8. It's true to my knowledge. he can unless he posts here saying he didn't i believe its true. he Can basicly use a keyvault forever.
  9. Let's hope he gives this method to someone else. Because he can use the same kv over and over agian from what i've heard. Lets all hope it gets leaked! and go on halo 3 and mod it until they figure out a way to patch it.
  10. Goth

    .Iso file help.

    So can someone tell me how to decrypt it and get the original game files?
  11. Goth

    .Iso file help.

    can't i decrpyt it? i don't have any cds to burn to it. i was relying on just raw files.
  12. Goth

    .Iso file help.

  13. Goth

    .Iso file help.

    Alright. i downloaded a new game torrent. a borderlands one, and it took almost a day. and when it got done, i tried to open up the iso with my poweriso, but the only files in it were Systemupdate, audio, and video, Can someone help me with this problem? i want to play this game.
  14. I'll try. and the gamesaves will be done by the end of this week.
  15. I'm talking about a jtag.i have yelo trainer on it. it just doesn't work right because i have no idea how to set the paths. & so your saying i can enable ai through the xbe ? Tell me how.
  16. figured so. Can you/ is there a tutorial to put it on a 360?
  17. The mainmenu freezes when i select my account to sign in. the main menu has 2 blank see through options, you know the first 2 options like campaign, xbox live. and it sits there, and if i don't do anything in 10 seconds, it freezes, but if i press a or do anything it freezes. help? i doubt the main menu is corrupted i checked this twice.
  18. Theres a hacked xex? link me to it. pm.
  19. m70 Ooo, i wonder what that's About "pillar of autumn" cant wait to play.
  20. No problem. I am roughly adding about 1 thing or 2 things per day now. because my jtag is red ringed. so i can't test but i will get it fixed this week and send you my saves.
  21. Goth

    Halo 3 RTH

    ily & Must i have something plugged into my xbox that connects to my hdd while i do it? Hint the " jtags ip"
  22. Twisted, do you know Austin hosting via xbl? And you need some knowledge of HxD
  23. Hey guys, i've been modding campaign for about 2 days now. i use to be a serious halo 2 modder, And i just got a jtag a few weeks ago, and i've been modding halo 3 eversince. Getting better every hour. When i'm done with this project i will release it here. Everymap in campaign will be modded, and for the non-jtagers i'm gonna Make gamesaves. Just Request it. Alright so, what i have here is, i need to know how i can make a driveable longsword, on the ark, i'm currently halfway done with the project. I'm editing it in Alteration. if there is another program out there, that's more like Dothalo, let me know. If you would like to help me in this project, post here saying so. i'm just making people have fun in halo single player.
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