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Everything posted by blueapplemonster

  1. Haha, this seem really useful. Does it work on UNIX OSs?
  2. It doesnt say SmokiestGrunl...
  3. ugg. I saw that live ._. BANN THEM SPAMMARZ
  4. zomg dub post. Doent anyone know the music on the intro of killtrocity v2 when it says Microsoft Game studios and Bungie and stuffz.
  5. nah, Romulation.net is better.
  6. So far this is really fun :]
  7. I need a download plz.
  8. I need vip now ._.
  9. I saw you working on that yesterday, it looks pretty cool! The tutorial seems very useful too!
  10. I hate them both Xbox 1 FTW, even though Mircosoft fails.
  11. I know that on vBulletin it has that feature. oh well.
  12. I have an idea. You have to "spread" rep, you cant rep a member more that once in 24 hours. Sound good?
  13. Will my sig get me a ban? And, Good choice, i have seen some staff doing nothing and not helping anyone.
  14. I have a mac. Why do you think im so much handheld modding?
  15. Can anyone locate me to one?
  16. I just cleaned mine...sheffs, dressers, desk w/ comp/monitor, bookshelf, and gamecube + tv in corner.
  17. hehe, i chose google phone.
  18. nds-roms.com sucks. to many adds.
  19. thanks, thats awesome!
  20. but I havent gotten my name change yet D:
  21. I also request to be blueapplemonster kthnxbai
  22. I prefer GIMP, PS is extremely hard for me, and nothing makes since, as in GIMP, I find it >9000 times easier.
  23. For Christmas I got a R4DS Revolution card for my NDS, the problem is that I can't find a NDS rom file thats real, they're always fake and junk, If you know a site that isnt a fake for rom files, or you have some of your own, please tell me.
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