nice least u were the 1st, ive checked and he was the 1st one to mod it. Evan Halo Beta says he was he 1st one, dakhaosguy024 says he was the 1st one but skipper132 was the 1st because he xsata's fast and Evan is slow and skipper was the 1st so congrats skipper and i need you to tell me what tag that big flood guy is under
well if this works it will be a very well built program but idk if the graphics will be good but 1st i am gunna run a scan on this incase there is a virus hidden in this program
well im glad people can know how it feels to make a mod, well you got lucky on spawning the fog right and he vines because ive been trying to spawn those for a while so i hope u make more mods because you make some alright ones
i dont know what tag it is under and what it is called i just have the ID, if u guys couod spread this all over and i want bungie to see it and i hope they are happy that we actually care about them.
Bungie Day: Made by: ambi0 Post written up by: DJG89(Devong32) of Credits: ambi0 for making this map and for the celebration of Bungie Day Features: -Bungie Day Sign -Stars for celebration lights -Trees to make more exciting -Waterfall spray surrounding B-Day sign Pictures: Video: Can someone with a capture card make a video for me please, it would be much appreciated. Download: Mirror 1 Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun. DJG89(Devong32) of