well i mean i can all ways change my emale and pass so they cant get back but i mean im just not on realy anymore im working to much i mean yea ppl buy 1-3 mounth accounts but i got all but 2 achievements and i dont want to buy maps agen so i got a lot of work done on the account im just saying ill PAY WHAT EVERE as long its a good price for the both of us or if you want ill buy MS points
but i dont have it tho. and yea i do have winRAR i tryed limewire it stayed at zero then about 7ish i tryed bitTorrent but its still at zero i guess my comp is being a fag is this the only Trainer i can get or is there a nother one?
Here you go Peaches http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=909 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=132 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=99
i need a yelo with the Trainer and all them in this website r down so if some1 cam send me one i can start takeing pics of my new halo 2 mod and hopefully post mod soon
i like halo3 but then i dont b/c the hole changing mc i mean its cool how u can do that but it throws the hole halo series off and its way to damn ez to lvl