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About snopythedog1221

  • Birthday 04/25/1991

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  • Yahoo
  • Gamertag
    EZ TARGET1991

snopythedog1221's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. it dos come out on the 14th but midnight release on 13th but you already new that i think any who reach is going to be good i hope.....
  2. only 25 more days are you all ready for it i know i am
  3. im getting halo reach legendary edition
  4. thanks big help i got it working
  5. ok i dl the thing and i changed it to what i want its a new file now do i just put that file on my harddrive now?
  6. but im trying to mod my gt on mw2 and ppl told me to use modio i have modio i just need help trying to mod it thanks
  7. there may be a new update or something.
  8. well i mean i can all ways change my emale and pass so they cant get back but i mean im just not on realy anymore im working to much i mean yea ppl buy 1-3 mounth accounts but i got all but 2 achievements and i dont want to buy maps agen so i got a lot of work done on the account im just saying ill PAY WHAT EVERE as long its a good price for the both of us or if you want ill buy MS points
  9. hey how much would it cost if some one can get me to a 50 in halo 3 im a 44 in swat but im not on that much and i would like to get a 50
  10. is hacking halo 2 agen maby try to get ppl to start agen
  11. is hacking halo 2 agen maby try to get ppl to start agen
  12. is hacking halo 2 agen maby try to get ppl to start agen
  13. is hacking halo 2 agen maby try to get ppl to start agen
  14. is hacking halo 2 agen maby try to get ppl to start agen
  15. is hacking halo 2 agen maby try to get ppl to start agen
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