since the troop hog is drivable on the pit then shouldnt modders be able to spawn one inside The Pit? even if you have to blow it up once before use or something, or wouldnt it respawn?
im not saying you lying or anything but your screenshot of the program looks suspicious. the left hand side where the top bar thing meets the frame at the edge is like screwed up, which can suggest a photoshopped image
HA Shotspartin got pwned! but seriously its kind of cool, not cool enough to pay $50 to get it resigned though. Why can't anyone make cool mods?? like new stuff! but setup to be played on, this is ok since its made to be played which is good but its nothing special because the actual way its been setup is still pretty crappy and not very good, and i agree with MFone. GSMods Rats nest mod kicks your mods ass! for one it is actually playable and its made well (my opinion) only thing is spawns are retarded so i cant really have good matches on it
nvm picture works now, looks kool but could u have another pic of maybe the fire room or ammo or something as well? or atleast another view of the main area?