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Everything posted by GhettoYeti32

  1. Wait... u can spawn ai that attack or just clones???
  2. Little kids stop fkn posting ur gayass maps. Nobody cares that u can mod cuz we all can now. Post sumthing good and NEW not the same Sh!t weve seen billions of times. Be CREATIVE. Make a box of trees on Valhalla or just SOMETHING NEW! So plz post new mods cuz ur just wasting your and our time with ur noob Sh!t.
  3. Tyler. FOSHO
  4. OOOOHHHH i remember cloaking but not vortex ill check youtube.
  5. LOL i did that with a pic of Purple Reign! Ha i said Bungie gave it to me but i couldnt play it with anyone or say how i got it. I also said i hav flaming recon LOL
  6. Hold up! WTF are the cloaking and vortex powerups??? and im still wondering how that guy did that crazy rainbow power drainer
  7. WOWWWWW r u retarded??? thats obviously FAKE. Sum ppl need to figure out what we CAN and CANT do rite now in H3 Modding. God!!!
  8. FAKE! WTF Peaches u need to ssuspend or ban sum ppl this is getting rediculous
  9. Tite idea man. props
  10. WRONG SECTION!!!! MOVE THIS!!!! and sry its not too good
  11. SSSPPPPAAAAAMMMM!!!!!! and hes joking u retards god u guys are dum_asses
  12. Its "playable" when theres weapons around the map to actually use in a Slayer and/or other game
  13. YAY sandbags and whats the green thing?
  14. OMFG i had the idea for smoke for SOO long
  15. Hey the creators on my frends list
  16. Ya khaos this isnt one of ur greatest mods but i think it was the first saveable one so CONGRATS!!!
  17. looking cool
  18. This topics HELLA old but i havent heard of any campaign mods yet so probly not. just wait til we can mod and resign .map thats gunna be amazing
  19. What do u mean water? like the water under the map?
  20. Ya this snow u want doesnt seem possible. i dont know it might be under scenery...
  21. 1 word... n00b. Sorry, but who doesn't know what a con resigner is? your a n00b also, u claimed that you could make projectile swaps. Teabagger shut the fu_ck up k? projectile swaps ARE POSSIBLE offline. u dont know anything and u have PEACHES on ur DISRESPECT LIST! u @#%$_ing ****** go kill ur self..... And ya Shotspartin fu_ck bungie i say its a good plan. i dont care if i get modded in MM i just dont want my acc H4cked
  22. clones, sniper towers, icicles, hornets on pit, that pit (dirt wall), those are all mods dude. LOL
  23. GhettoYeti32


    Teabagger Shut the _@#%$ up dude u have peaches on ur DISrespect list u should get _@#@$@%@ banned and i bet U dont know how to use it either!!!!
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