Little kids stop fkn posting ur gayass maps. Nobody cares that u can mod cuz we all can now. Post sumthing good and NEW not the same Sh!t weve seen billions of times. Be CREATIVE. Make a box of trees on Valhalla or just SOMETHING NEW! So plz post new mods cuz ur just wasting your and our time with ur noob Sh!t.
LOL i did that with a pic of Purple Reign! Ha i said Bungie gave it to me but i couldnt play it with anyone or say how i got it. I also said i hav flaming recon LOL
1 word... n00b. Sorry, but who doesn't know what a con resigner is? your a n00b also, u claimed that you could make projectile swaps. Teabagger shut the fu_ck up k? projectile swaps ARE POSSIBLE offline. u dont know anything and u have PEACHES on ur DISRESPECT LIST! u @#%$_ing ****** go kill ur self..... And ya Shotspartin fu_ck bungie i say its a good plan. i dont care if i get modded in MM i just dont want my acc H4cked