Alright, I saw the trailer. I really do like it and it is pretty good considering that we had not that much time to do it. I have a question for you guys... The clips are really good in my opinion, but they do not feature some things that you guys may dislike. So... should we work on the trailer more or release it now? EDIT: I have no idea why this is in the modding section... Can someone move this to the off topic or general discussion?
Hello, everyone! I got some good news! My trailer is finished, but I have to see it still. It should be up no longer than this FRIDAY. It will be on a couple of web sites... *Youtube *The MLG Gameroom *and some other sites to hold the clip. SInce I have not seen it yet, It might get delayed to this Friday so we can fix music, clips, ect. I'm trying to attract all audiences(which is really hard!). After asking a couple of websites and a bunch of people, this is what I got. MLG: Likes clips that involves skill and multikills. Ibotmodz: Lucky sticks and simply amazing kills.(Dislikes montages with too many multikills.) Random friends:No scopes, simply amazing kills, lots of sticks. One thing that I am trying to avoid is playing games where there are specific rules that you have to use that makes each kill look good. I.E. Nothing but sticks, no scopes only, small maps with instant respawn, ect. I believe these show no skill so I do not save any of these clips. All of my clips are from Matchmaking(Social and Ranked)and Customs( That include MLG and normal games.) Also, the editor that I was planning on having was Jeenyus, he had some problems with his internet and college things so I had someone else do it. The final montage is scheduled for FALL of 2008. For everyone at Ibotmodz, I am going to have a little surprise in the trailer and/or final montage. Thanks for reading -Clicked
Make a me a screenshot mod thing and put it on their fileshare? I'll post the pic in a sec. ORLY-Ville = Team (Long story...)
What Do You Prefer? Alright, I have been getting some clips lately that I am unsure of and I have been asking some people and what would they like. Recently, I have done some plays that involve some interesting kills, but I personally don't like them. So, I'm basically asking for YOUR opinion. Do YOU like... *Killtrocity with an oddball? *Overkill Extermination on TWO people. *......No scopes? *Killtaculars that involve two Shotgun kills? *and more like that? I normally on save the things that are simply amazing and probably cannot be recreated by the average player. So far, I have about 52 clips on my account right now, and these include... *No scopes across the map. *Plenty of high multi kills. *Cross map sticks. *Clutch situations. *Disgusting kills on professionals from Major League Gaming. *Out BRS. *Ect. I get about 2 worthy clips in a 6 hour time span, but I am running out of space in my custom limit. Also, I do have another account with two clips that may get into the montage. I am still thinking about deleting them. It seems unfair to have a lower account and just use to get amazing clips on bad people. Those two clips are from Team Slayer(In MM) with levels 20-30, so I think I shouldn't use them. And I dont steal clips . What I Still Need I am still looking for song suggestions for the montage. I am looking for any rock/alternative songs that have parts that can easily be synced(sp?) Some artists that I like... * Thousand Foot Krutch * Nirvana * Chevelle * Puddle Of Mudd Other Announcements I will share who my editor is tomorrow (Saturday) morning. I have clips and full games on my fileshare right now, these are just a small taste of what you will see in the final montage. If you would like to see them, add "Clickedgore" on XBL or visit my service record on Bungie.( ... lickedgore) I have cleaned out most of my friends on my friends list. If you would like to play in Matchmaking or Custom Games, add "Clickedgore" on XBL.
Alright, I am getting my montage started in the next few days and it should be out by mid summer. My montage will feature: *Several Multi Kills *No Scopes... *Quick Scopes... *Cross Map Kills. *Some kills that can"t even be described. *Some Kills on some known people. *and more. I might post a few videos that I have done that will show basically what my montage is all about. For those who care, my montage will be more than likely edited by a very known editor. He has done some pro montages as well. I will not release the editors name until it is official. Also, if you care, I will be updating my fileshare every week or every two weeks with new clips and I will also send weekly (or monthly) updates on me(whether it is montages or whatever). So if you want them message me with your Gamertag. Thanks for reading. One more thing, if you are interested in leveling up, I will be on my second account (Mechtech417) sometimes to play MM. EDIT**** I will also be accepting most F/Rs now, so if you want to play tonight, or any other day, message me at Clickedgore. I am taking song suggestions too. I couldn't fit all of them in the picture, but I'll get a new one soon. add me if you want to know how to do it. I'll post tutorial later.
Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I've been on this site. I got some good news as well! I am seriously on a roll with this MLG stuff,I just finished a Halo 3 MLG tournament and placed pretty well and I'm having a website and montage in the works! Also, I have a youtube page! So, is there anything new here? Where is snail and nieless?