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  1. I'll gladly help. GT is aP Venise.
  2. It's a new Bungie ARG, it has nothing with modding at all.
  3. The modded one of their video files so that it looks like they have Recon, when in the game they never did. They didn't edit anything. Look at the game. They weren't in it. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHa ... 8230659710 I have a modded film clip with me having recon but I don't actually have recon. http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/7428 ... 004eo6.jpg You just exactly proved what I was saying. They edited film clips/films, and edited the string containing armor information so that it made them appear to have Recon, even though they actually don't have recon.
  4. The modded one of their video files so that it looks like they have Recon, when in the game they never did.
  5. I would love to be invited as well. My gamertag is aP Venise.
  6. you dont need a resigner to mod you need it to play it with other people. Don't you need to resign it to play it at all. wow r u the only1 who gets it? Two words. Dev Kit.
  7. Are you stupid? If you can modify .con files, you can ultimately gain all the achievements from modifying the files for that game, you can, and I may be going off a cliff with this statement, give yourself near-unlimited amounts of MS Points. Surely if this is released, and used with the resigner, we won't only be seeing Halo 3 mods, but we will also be seeing quite possibly Xbox Live being destroyed. So, yes, it is a huge possibility that if this is leaked to the wrong person, it could be the downfall of Xbox Live, which is the exact reason Anthony and Shade didn't want to release their resigner. You are a bit wrong, were talking about a only halo 3 resigner, and halo 3 re-hasher. Not all .CONS are the same you fail to realize that. I know that they aren't all the same, but it doesn't take much to make it compatible with other .con files.
  8. Are you stupid? If you can modify .con files, you can ultimately gain all the achievements from modifying the files for that game, you can, and I may be going off a cliff with this statement, give yourself near-unlimited amounts of MS Points. Surely if this is released, and used with the resigner, we won't only be seeing Halo 3 mods, but we will also be seeing quite possibly Xbox Live being destroyed. So, yes, it is a huge possibility that if this is leaked to the wrong person, it could be the downfall of Xbox Live, which is the exact reason Anthony and Shade didn't want to release their resigner.
  9. Do you think you could send me an invitation key? My email is chris.noble.hawkins@gmail.com. I'm not interested in getting the resigner right now, just looking and seeing what's available on the site and see how far we've progressed in overall modding and distributing.
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