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Everything posted by Xero
lol yes it is, the greyish pats of the weapon are his hands and once u match it up with the elite persona u can seperate the peices in mind an it will become an elite... at first i thought it was a pimped out flame cannon or something...
The weapon he is holding is some sort of gold-rusted elite... would have been cooler if the elites mouth opened when it shot the fire out... i like that armor color for the elite btw...
Alright once i get these last questions answered i will have my idea finished... Can you remove the death barrier for non-modders on all maps? and can u inject veachiles from other maps on to maps that don't support them?
Then i have a completely new idea for my request... I shall get to work ... and by the by, KHAOS when your ready to hear my mod or w/e it is u had to do in order to make it just tell me when....
One more question sorry.. Is it possible to make a flying turret (that non modders can use)yet?
Two questions: 1)Can u bring the frigate from sandtrap into the actual map as a solid for people to walk on? 2)Can you bring Elite Drop Pods from campaign into multiplayer?
Unknown if i recall i believe KHAOS said he gets them resigned by others... as well as MFone, and after they finish the request mods u shall see...
I know its impossible, but he said he could do it... so i put it out there... who knows.. EDIT: KHAOS do u think you could bring the frigate from sandtrap in to the map? but solid(i think the main dude did something like this with the pelicans on the pit)
Is it possible to add the councilor helmet and honor gaurd staff for you? If possible i would love to see them in action... but yeah more things for my map(Again if possible) -Purple flames coming out of flame thrower -Elites(preferably white councilor elites) coming out of Charged PP -Covenant type bullets(customary ones that look different from ordianry covenant weps) coming out of human weapons -Half-Jaw(I heard a glitched body of him can be found on the flood) and Abiter be located at some throne on the map(Invincible) -Scarab shots coming out of the plasma turret -Anything else to make it cool and look like a council chamber is all good with me Note:I beleive some of the stuff i mentioned is impossibe, but whatever can stay to my original idea is all i want...
Ok my request is as i told you and MFone mainly and purely for screenshots... which is why i use any of the mods... I want like some Elite based map on epitaph... purple/blue flames(If i recall MFone mentioned spawning random flames on gaurdian) coming out of certain pedistals(The little edges in front of the giant glowy thing). Any other elite based object that u can place to make it look like some counciling chamber would be cool as well... Note:Reason why i ask for this is because im crazy for the elite councilor armor perm.(if u could make that for a video so i could take pics of that i would bow to you) So anything to make my elite look fancy is all i do with mods... check my fileshare for some things i use the mods for... Note#2:If i were to get this mod from u guys i will not release it, probably not even if u told me too, i like having things no1 else has for some reason... Note#3:If my request is not possible then im allright with that, just tell me so i dont wait for nothing Edit:In case your up to it.. Map:Avalance Idea:A big fort that has one door wit two purple flames in front.... a hanger(or pad) with bansees in(on) it, and shade turrets along the wall... on the inside put furniture(im not sure if ucan extract from campaign bu if u can there are couches tables chairs and stuff... and u can add whatever else u think will make my idea work out... Note:Again im sure someof the stuff i mentioned is impossible but if u can do it then by all means good luck...
@GhettoYeti32 From what this guy is saying... he has done something with the mod which can be released to us... but has told MFone not to release it till the time is right... So unless your real good friends with MFone or dakhaosguy... you probably won't see the mods up close and personal... Not even sure if i answred your question... but i think it was resigned... just not released...
Hey when you guys inv me to a game can you actually inv me to a real game... not one in which im stuck with others asking me for your mods... or one in which you boot me out for some random reason(im assuming you were playing the mods, but a request for me to leave would have sufficed...) but an actual game... i dont even care if your playing mods or not... i just hate being invited to games with no purpose...
as of now, 0/100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000....... Thank you, i just wanted to be clear so i dont give in to my friends belief that he mods...
What are the chances of transferring the elite Councilor Helmet from Halo 2 into Halo 3? and dual weilding swords...
So MFone's screenshots "Mod" "Mod1" "Mod2" "Mod3" and "Mod4" are part of already made mods? Not his own? If they are his mods in those screenshots then that will answer my question...
MFone says his mods are not resigned yet he has pictures of them on his fileshare... so i was asking if everyone could do that...
So are we allowed to take pictures and videos of offline mods and put them on fileshares now?
http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=31629884 That dark guys vision of modding is by using a mongoose on a snowbound mod and claiming it to be avalanche with no camo... http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileS ... HAOSguy024 -His vision of a weapon holder is just the seat that snowbound gives you... -He was crafty but not crafty enough to do the civilian veahcile glitch and place a banshee on the it... -Im not impressed with his recon pictures... for those can easily be taken from a Bungie Humpday challenge... Summary: Sligstorm-Sligstorm I ShotSpartin1177-Sligstorm II daKHAOSguy024-Sligstorm III Who will be the next one i ask you... I will put this all aside if u can show ACTUAL proof of you modding... have fun... btw... dont get something i already know about in Halo and claim it as a mod... it wont work...
i wasnt insulting u at all... im just sick of shotspartin... but yeah it is possible like Peaches said...
If im correct your refferring to the elite coming out fo the pistol projectile swap.... that is not a mod... that is another mod with him just shooting a plasma pistol... i mean u can tell he dosnt mod and never will mod... his screenshots consist of a grenade or rocket (cant really tell from the water explosion) being shot out of a spiker when u can clearly see nothing but the explosion... he has a picture of the building that looks like master chiefs helmet labeled as a mod... and he has the infinite warthog glitch labeled as a mod too... ahhhh he just bugs me sooo much!
Mfone is a pretty cool guy so i kept him on my friends list... but uhh yeah, any news on that zanzibar wave mod from anyone?
If u manage to accomplish this task... i ask of only one favor... if its possible anyways... Keep your mods... keep your maps... i want one thing... i want a video of the elite wearing a councilor hemet with steel as his primary and steel as its secondary... with a cool scenery of course... if thats even possible... thats all i will ever need from the modding community... Btw... hopefully things come through for the best... and good luck...
ShotSpartin or w/e ur named... have no mods on your fileshare... your pics that you include are pics from The Main Dude or w/e he is named... if u have nothin of your own don't say ur a modder...
Snowbound? its just like all of the other mods... sometimes i just dont understand you guys ...
If you can fly the pelicans then by all means get the pit... mabye rat's nest if you can go beyond the barrier... or both
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