This idea sounds perfect for games like Infection, but as DJG said unless your really good with sandbox its very un likely to happen (the exact way you wanted)
I would say add a plasma rifle as a secondary to that carbine start as well for the covie fans. However, like others have said I don't think its possible for weapons that are not on the list to be added.
General Error SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Table 'ibotmodz_admin.phpbb_trolls' doesn't exist [1146] An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. When i was on my home computer i got this message. However, once i got on to my friends comp it worked fine. Did something happen?
This is pretty much what i was asking for(the idea not the picture or the text)... This picture also proves my point that most modders dont use their original gamertags as the author anways(most likely to avoid harrassmet), making it not understandable why making my name as the author for my pic is so hard and diffucult to do(directed to those who argued with my request). Nice picture though, would have been much better w/o the splotches everywhere.
So you mean , if the modder modding the picture completes the mod it will be with that persons name, and the resigner will not change the author's name? So it would be best to make the one who offered to mod for me to use my name? Then the resigner would just resign it to be accesible over XBL, and it would not change the name of the author, correct?
Seriously Unknown why do you post here? Your giving no help at all your just trying to make people not want to help me because you have a problem with me for some odd reason. Please keep your post relevent to the topic and keep your opinions to yourself. Thank you
If its so easy then why is it so hard to do one for me? At the moment i believe i found someone willing to do everything but I need someone willing to resign the picture under my name.
Honestly I just want it the same reason why most people want Recon, because they cant have it. Of course I am going to show some of my friends, and of course they are going to assume I mod Halo 3 and i will tell them otherwise, but as I said already I have led no one to believe I can mod Halo 3. I want in on Halo 3 because its possible and because I would like it on Halo 3. Is that a problem to have it there? I am obviously not going to keep it just to myself, i will show the few friends that REALLY know my obsession with the armor. I dont want attention, I mean I get messages a lot of the time asking for the mods I took pictures of. I direct them to here and if they push the limit on it i block them. I have no reason for attention I just want the picture. A few questions for you however, why do you care? Is my request such a burden on you that you need to question the reason for wanting this mod. Why does someone want a mod made for him or herself? They could just get something close to it in one of the already created mods but they want a little something different to it for more fun. Why did the person who wanted the Bungie Day thing under his name? Its not his mod but its his idea and he would like it to be under it. I just want this picture because its a little different and I like it. I want my name on it because it was my idea and it would be nice for it to be included in it. There is no devious plot to prove to the world I can mod, its just I want it and thats it. This thread was made in hopes of finding someone who can help me with a request, not for your opinion on what I will do with it.
I actually just sent you a message over Bungie so I guess you can ignore that, but honestly i dont want people to think anything, i just want the picture, my name is just there because like i said it was my idea, I also said before if anyone talks to me about modding i will direct them to the modder who made it for me, if they so as much as wish me to do so. EDIT: I don't understand this belief that everyone that wants something is only after it for the wrong reasons... I just want the picture, i get msgs all the time for modded pictures that I have taken, I always tell them to go to this site if they want it, I never take credit for the map. Now for this picture its because EVERYONE on my friends list knows im obsessed with this armor, even MFone and DaKHAOSGuy knew my obsession for it when i asked them about it when they offered to make mods. I have no bad intentions for this picture I just want the picture under my name with no reason but love for this armor and pride for finally having it in some form... EDIT#2: And I just noticed this, you pretty much copied unknown v2 for saying I wanted attention, but in different wording... funny...
The picture is already finised i just need a modder EDIT: Actually im not sure about the size, so if the modder could put like a color to match the background of people's fileshare where the picture dosn't cover that would be much appreciated.