Factorial should be pretty easy since you only need a number as an input http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4YNY16JU Here is an example of a factorial calculator. If the answer is above 18446744073709552000 it won't work because that is the maximum size of a ulong. So as long as you use it to calculate the factorials of numbers below 60ish you should be good.
A recursive function is a function that calls itself. Example: //C++ Returns the Greatest Common Denominator
int gcd(int x, int y)
if (y == 0)
return x;
return gcd(y, x % y); //calls itself
} What you posted is a linear search
I mean a "do while" loop. int i = 0;
}while(i < 10); That example really doesn't prove to be helpful. But it can be very helpful whenever you need to do something atleast once, then repeat the action based on the results.
One of my friends has to go through and load each DLC map in a custom game before he can play them. If he doesn't load them up they get skipped when we get them in Matchmaking. I dunno how he does it but it is something along those lines.
Why care if he has made progress or not in Halo or not. He made a video that he thought was cool (it looked pretty cool) and wanted to share it. Why does everyone have to flame about any map modding video posted anywhere?
Huh. Never not been able to find a pic I was looking for. The ID thing is the same folder as it is stored in on the Xbox, not just some random number, if you were curious on what it was exactly. Nice that you finally found it.