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Doob E Snack

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Everything posted by Doob E Snack

  1. I have a brand new xbox debug kit in box if any one is instrested.
  2. All these are tested and working u must be doing something wrong. Make sure your not editing these saves or profile also changing the gamertag affects the save.
  3. Here are some campaign saves i have made i really haven't been on this site much and i seen that i had someone first campaign saves i released months ago. Don't have any video or pics now but i have played them all and they all work really well. These mods will keep you busy for hours. Also if someone would post a vidio of this so we can all see it that would be much appreciated. Scarab Mod: just some biped swaps and you can drive and control the scarab also no death barriers or health so you can travel where ever you would like. Pretty neat found out how to mod this into a save months ago. I hope you all enjoy this one. I have a video but its old. Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KVYC78T9 Ark Mod: Lots of things done in this campaign save turret swaps dual tank turrets biped swaps and you play as Arbitor and ghost can shoot rockets. I also modded ai vehicles to drive around the map if you turn around and go up to the last checkpoint you will see the tanks by the frigate and you will probable pass the ai mongoose lol. Dont have a video for this one sry about that. Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TH25IL3Z Base Mod: I love this mod i change the bipeds and edited a couple things you can hit people and the float also Maranda, Arbitor, Sgt. Johnson can die now also it mixed and matched the teams lol. You play as Maranda and you cant die. The video i have only has some of the mods in this new save so i hope you all enjoy. Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EA0YCL1G Spoof your Alt mac to 12121212121212 all 12s Happy New Year
  4. No thats wrong theres alot more that can be done. Such as debugging, pnet, And like canadian said it for more then just halo 3.
  5. NICE!! Be on in a week to help with saves
  6. Yes proj can not be change in a save most of what u can do is attachments and turrets health ammo most things that are saved around you. and bipeds
  7. nah i could make the horn do that.
  8. Anybody play both saves. which one is better?
  9. Doob E Snack Icon : (6 minutes ago) how do think this works on everyones console lol jester Icon : (7 minutes ago) Yeah I was just talking about ODST. Use your big boy eyes and read Doob E Snack Icon : (8 minutes ago) odst dosnt need a spoofed id so what are u talking about TheEazyB Icon : (9 minutes ago) which goes back to my earlier point, someone who can't read can't reverse engineer jester Icon : (10 minutes ago) You are so ******* stupid doob e. Can't even read properly jester Icon : (10 minutes ago) "anthony used doob e's kit to do it" "lol"
  10. correct i made saves and released personalfile to friends before they even started. They stated that odst and halo 3 are locked to console. Halo 3 is not odst so they were wrong. Enjoy the mods and leave it at that.
  11. well first i never said this was done in hex and the people on se7ensins tried telling me that the saves are locked to the console (they were wrong) This was done on my kit and then i protected my ids and uploaded.. I dont want to here that its gay because this is the first working release. i will release more saves that are way better. And the saves i seen in hex are not good at all i can do health and ammo and do turret swaps easy. I have made many saves for odst and halo 3. I am makeing a tut on how to run halo 3 saves on ur console.
  12. Yeah i fixed it.. but i dont feel like releasing it. But it has the same physics. I got plenty more saves but idk when ill release another.
  13. Thanx man for posting on on here. get more downloads. I would suggest changeing broken to somthing else because it make it seem like the save dosnt work.
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