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Everything posted by wil

  1. 2106
  2. Do you pointlessly spam to get your post count up by any chance? You Are The Retarded One <.< for anyone that gets the last bit lol.
  3. Rob want me to have a look around and see if i can get this earlier?
  4. Notepad art ftw, that swatshtika is good.
  5. Ive heard some good things about Opera, might Google it in a sec and have a quick go.
  6. First of all, I am a fan of Firefox, however Google Chrome is considerably faster. I also adore the add-ons in Firefox, I also hope that Google Chrome will one day support addons. Regarding the comment about Robert and I being gay, most of the time they themselves are gay and are trying to cover up that fact.
  7. Chrome ftw rob all the way
  8. ThunderukX Add moi.
  9. Omgzorz It Are So Fun To Type With Every Letter As A Capital :]
  10. Actually you fail buddy you don't know jack sh*t; i have got this working, me and rob work on everything together so next time you make a post make sure you get your facts right.
  11. Me and rob have found, that if you change your clan tag just as it reaches 3 seconds it should work perfectly. Also if you get your friend to join instead of some random you can guarantee that he/she will not leave the game.
  12. Rob i told you not too post this, i found this and you are taking credit for it :@ Editzorz: Thanksyou robbert ube bffl
  13. The whole point of this post is too tell people where they are we need spoilers Also we think that getting the monkey bomb ends the game for the teddy etc finding, our reason for this is; First of all we got the monkey bomb, we then went to the Teddy's and they had miraculously gone.
  14. Thanks for that information, Gameover will not be active for a few days as he is going to wales for a few days. I will try and contact him before he goes regarding this Btw im ThunderukX
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