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Everything posted by wil

  1. Me to but I would get if i didn't help anyway Prepare for a new GUI btw
  2. Yeah Robert put a rep lock on it, you have to obtain over 20 rep to be able to use it... apart from me . Also plus rep your now 18 away.
  3. wil

    Real life tips

    I must be 1337 at life because I managed to get a bj somehow :S
  4. "What doesn't kill you makes your stronger, apart from aids" Suck on our encryption?
  5. wil

    ping test

    Mine is in my sig
  6. Genius is here ill make a video
  7. I are haz set status.
  8. I are haz set status.
  9. I are haz set status.
  10. I are haz set status.
  11. I are haz set status.
  12. I are haz set status.
  13. I are haz set status.
  14. MT gets in a strop http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa77/williameyles/OHRLY.png
  15. That is epic
  16. Dont think they did seeing as I am ^2Master Chief at the moment :S
  17. I have 1337 admin skills
  18. (This was so not funny at the time LOL) Last year I went knocka door running with some guys in a older year at school, I knocked on the door and ran. 5 second later whilst running up some randoms driveway I saw a man that was about 6'5 jump out of a bush, he then rugby tackled me and dragged me into his house and interrogated me (LOL) He then proceeded to phone the police, little did I know that the older people have put a firecracker through his door and killed his dog (EVENBIGGERLOLCOOLBITCOMINGUP) While he was ringing the police I caught him of his guard (With my 1337 hacking skills ofc) I elbowed him in the nuts and kicked the door down, and then ran home and cried for two hours until my parents where home.
  19. Games sex change.
  20. wil


    Ill draw master cheifzorz
  21. wil

    Rate my new sig

    That is good 9/10
  22. http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa77/williameyles/Halloffame.png If you get this its funny : D
  23. Ill start checking databases for ya buddy. 1. Trojan32.RsPwTheif - Runescape Level Hacker.exe 2. Rune.Downloader.PW - Runescape Partyhat hack.exe 3. Rune.Agent.AS - Rs Instant kill.exe 4. Adware Generic4.LBN - stbapp.exe 5. Trojan horse Downloader.Agent2.IGX - HPIEAddOn.dll 6. Trojan horse Generic14.ABVT - sudoku.exe 7. Trojan horse Dropper.Generic.APHF - A0068543.exe 8. Trojan horse Dropper.Generic.APHF - cedp.exe 9. Trojan horse Dropper.Generic.APHF - cedp.exe 10. Trojan horse Generic14.GBZ - Xbox 360 Microsoft Points Generator.exe
  24. Rob why on earth are you making a runescape anti-virus? Anyway just use a text file in a hidden folder and right all the things in there. Actually someone might accidentally delete the text file , Can i make some graphics for your program please
  25. Exactly the same for me, I have used one of my main accounts and multiple silvers and none of them have been hacked. Vouche.
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