Sorry peaches. I fell like I am getting yelled at by dad for a messy room. I know it was not working I went to enlist some Help but you are truly an attentive parent. Thanks pics look great, maybe now we can talk about the map not the post.
floating staggered elephant stairway w/ gravelift elevator conceived by Scary lil Boy. Slightly tweaked stairway from v1 and elephants above central building. Notice Three areas where elephants have been grouped. Left right and center. This in my humble opinion is the most playable version of any mod. Map Required gametype I am not going to post this on bnet so for now its just for Ibotmodz. This is a infection map with a stairway and floating base inside the map and two a base and a floating stairway outside the map where there are no guardians. All bases and stairways made using elephants almost exclusively, there are 20 elephants on this map some were removed for lag reduction. This map was created from a mod I don't take credit for. rbcrash666 and Scary lil boy helped me ALOT in its creation this map would not have been created without their help Thanks. Enjoy and please comment as I will post a new version in a few weeks so and input and critique is welcome.
well it seems stupid that mods made months ago are still not released. when someone makes a mod they should release it but releasing information that could ruin the game is bad. Bungie is benefiting from modz but if we don't make better modz w/ atleast some replay value what going to keep people playing mods and therefore h3.