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Everything posted by Cheater912

  1. Looks clean (the GUI [not the icons]). There's no way you coded all of this by yourself in one month though.
  2. We started Horizon in July.
  3. The game modders are really easy. We want to fix the FATX and Profile Editor bugs first.
  4. Right now, it can change your avatar colors, unlock achievements, add games, view/edit STFS packages, and mod 2 games (WET and Castle Crashers). The final release will mod over 15 games and have some other features. Edit: Here's a video that somebody made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXlKFe27R0o
  5. And the signature is smaller. CON = 1024 bit LIVE = 2048 bit Correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. ââ¢Â¥ 8=====D
  7. I say it's good news. Too many tutorials of it (too many noobs). There hasn't been 1 CoD mod that hasn't been leaked...
  8. Cheater912

    Account Editor.

    You can do it on your dashboard as well. In CoD4/5, use ^# to make your name have colors. The first few hex values will also give you button images. 01 = A 02 = B 03 = X 04 = Y 05 = LB 06 = RB 07 = LT 08 = RT 09 = LS 0A = RS 0E = Start 0F = Back I might have made a mistake. 4 of them should be for the D-PAD as well. Can't remember completely off the top of my head. Colors are as followed: ^^0 = Black ^1 = Red ^2 = Green ^3 = yellow ^4 = blue ^5 = light blue ^6 = purple ^7 = white I forget the rest. google should help you with that. In parties, the buttons will appear as the unknown symbol square [].
  9. Activision wants to kill me, so no more co-op tab in CoD Tool unless somebody cracks it. Sorry guys =\
  10. Cheater912

    Account Editor.

    Gabe figured all of this out. You guys stole all of his research. Slipstream, you're an ass hole.
  11. I'm pretty sure the DVAR is set on the disk, not in the profile. collectors = 1 (I think)
  12. Great tut, thanks. You would think MS was smarter than this
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