Okay, look there are 8 items outside by the Pillars when you Activate the Elevate Your Senses.. to begin the Fly Trap. After they take off and fly away they are scattered around the map.. BUT, not seperately... but grouped. 1 Teddy bear has a Bowie Knife (located in the window of the building overlooking the Mainframe Platform) http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/npolniak/teddybear_bowieknife.jpg 1 Teddy bear has a Jugger Nog and a Pistol in its hands (located inside the animal cage) http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/npolniak/teddybear_JuggerNog_Pistol.jpg 1 Monkey Bomb has a Molitov bottle and a Grenade on its back (located in the furnace) http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/npolniak/MonkeyBomb_Gren_Mol.jpg Located by the Dead Scientist who Hung himself... on the Wall is a message that says TEDDY IS A LIAR! http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/npolniak/Teddyisaliar.jpg After the GAME IS OVER, and you shot the Monkey Bomb in the Furnace... A 2nd Message appears that says TEDDY IS THE BIGGEST LIAR (with IF and WITH) under it... I have no idea why its a sentence fragment... http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/npolniak/Teddyisthebiggestliar.jpg It might be that I didnt get all the Hidden items from the FLY TRAP game and the IMAGE is INCOMPLETE. (Theories ?) http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/npolniak/teddyonthemoon.jpg
After ACTIVATING the FLY TRAP you must find more than just Teddy Bears... -(2) Teddy Bears -(2) Molitov Cocktail Bottles -(1) Pistol -(1) Bowie Knife -(1) Grenade -(1) Monkey Bomb (Final Item) GAME OVER Pretty sure its a secret Achievement... [locations of these items are pretty simple to find] Im not going to spoil this for you, youll enjoy it more when you complete it on your own.
I guess it was all a matter of time... I know that no one has the right to shut down the site... so Im assuming ModdedWarfare walked away with some serious COIN... $$$
Are invites still available? I've been trying to get an invite into Moddedwarfare for some time now... please message me if it is still possible to receive an Invite into the site. I'd appreciate it.