Well I said in the top post someone jacked it anyways, I don't know who did, but it had been through 3 reset waves before it was jacked, then the gamerscore got modded some more,and when I saw I couldn't sign in I reset my password, and tried to login, found it was reset, next day, perm banned.
Besides I myself don't Steal/Hack/Call in gamertags it would mess up my rep. My friends do give me random 3 month-12 month tags of theirs alot that I'm sure aren't theirs, but I would not attempt to sell one since Xbox Live has gotten smarter and have ways for people to get their acount back even when every piece of info on it has been changed.
No its my gamertag that I've had for about a year and a half. But now that I no longer see a point in Halo 3 ranks, gamerscore or showing off mods, I'm going to try to make some MSP with it.
Not straight up emo chicks ones a model, kinda emo on the inside lol, shes my ex, the other is my GF, the rest sre straight up emo chicks lol. I wish I didn't know them.
Thanks I've talked to you on AIM nice to see you around the forums as well. Thanks as well Mast3rModder, I have seen you around alot and see you clearly know your stuff. At the time I came up with the name, Anime Fan, now I don't know. I Spend a shit ton of time on my Laptop and on my 360 but Hate watching TV, its boring so no more anime. I can't say I'm a real Otaku as in No Life, I'm a Grease Monkey with a few friends and we Race Muscle Locally, and hang around a ton of skinny emo lookin chics that bite too much. You decide lol.