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iGo By FadE

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About iGo By FadE

iGo By FadE's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 1

Apprentice Grade 1 (2/44)



  1. 856 downloads

    This is the best CON rehasher/signer out there that I have ever used. Good stuff Virus Total: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/ae1313e88a301b1691925fe1dbe4a60982c0684cbc262f143dafefdd44fd2147-1246076560
  2. ipchicken.com sorry to bust your bubble. or /ipconfig all
  3. That's why he said "with no clip on". No clip allows you to fly through solid animate objects, such as walls. Theres a tut right here if you want to know. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/15314-noclip-in-nazi-zombies-after-patch/#entry99047 On Topic: Nice find, I had a bit of fun on it myself today when I was bored enough.
  4. I think I should clarify this. This is not after patch- or anything like that. There is no way to do this in cod4 or in CoD5 multiplayer. You cannot because there are TWO .xex's in the Call Of Duty WAW .iso. Default.xex and Default_MP.xex. When CoD4 and CoD5 modding was released, the modding was moddifying files and commands pertaining to the Default_MP.xex and the Default.xex of CoD4. What this is doing is modifying content in the other .xex. The other .xex contains the files for co-op campaign, such as nazi zombies. So, presumably, you could mod co-op if you decompiled the .xex and found the proper commands and such. This is not exact, this is to give you an idea. In short: You cannot mod the multiplayer, that is still patched! If you want to know why, read that wall of text.
  5. Yeah, they are just other "forms" of alex. One is muscle mass, and the other is his "blade arm"
  6. It's a shoestring belt...Nothin wrong with that..
  7. Hey yall, I would like some CnC on a work in progress I am working on. Note: This is before any filters/grads/C4D's. I just feel like taking a break, so judge my work. Just remember, it's a WiP! http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/7818/iamamonster.jpg it's called "I Am a Monster" EDIT: Main render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-46717
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