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About wreithy

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Private (4/44)



  1. Both of those screenshots are different... look at the time of most users online, 9.14 and 2.14
  2. why wasnt his previous post count 'true'? just curious.
  3. UK is +44, so rather than 07*********, it would be 44********* and yeah, niels told me about that, i tried to get him to ring you the other day, but he is like £200 in debt with the phone company
  4. I personally tend not to comment that much, but when i do i dont usually expect a reply
  5. Just wondering
  6. I use adobe premiere pro 1.5 you just need a keygen to unlock it, i have a working keygen if you need one
  7. Yeah, its all good now
  8. I have put together a little tutorial for others wanting to run DOS games Tutorial
  9. sorted thanks again
  10. yeah, cheers for putting up with all the questions, i re-read your first post and it just clicked
  11. GOT IT WORKING at last thanks for helping so much (Y) http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e35/roadkill132/DOSBOXWORK.jpg http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e35/roadkill132/dosboxwork1.jpg
  12. http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e35/roadkill132/Untitled-1.jpg sorry to keep this going, but what next?
  13. still doesnt seem to work, i may be doing it wrong so here is a screenshot... thanks for the help http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e35/roadkill132/dosbox.jpg
  14. Cool, thanks thing is, now i have doom and dosbox, how do i run it through dosbox? cheers
  15. A lot of these are from 4chan http://img.4chan.org/b/thumb/1229538595040s.jpg http://img.4chan.org/b/thumb/1229538169153s.jpg
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