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The goal of this project is to experiment, research, and educate on the topic of emulation of modern devices and operating systems. It is not for enabling illegal activity. All information is obtained via reverse engineering of legally purchased devices and games and information made public on the internet (you'd be surprised what's indexed on Google...). Ben Vanik

Just thought I'd give everyone an update on what I believe is a big part of 2013 and 360 modding. Ben Vanik has begun work on an Xbox 360 Emulator. Currently, it does nothing but some XEX print outs, but the immense amount of time and research put into this project is amazing and shows that 2013 will be the year for 360 Modding.
If you have a GitHub account, you can star this REPO and watch as development progresses. Its open source, as you probably guessed. Whats even more interesting is that Ben's previous jobs include working at Google and Microsoft.
https://github.com/benvanik/xenia -> @benvanik

Teaser Paragraph: It has finally happened. Bungie has moved away from Xbox 360 development and turned off all portions of Halo from its site. It was a fun 10 years, but all things must eventually end. We now look towards 343 to continue the Halo saga.

Teaser Paragraph: Thats right, Halo 4 will start a new trilogy. So we can expect to see a Halo 5 and 6. These games probably will be pushed onto the new Xbox revision. So Halo will live on, and with most of the original Halo 1/2 staff on board this release we expect to see the same great teamwork that brought us the first Halo's.

New Xbox 360

By iBotPeaches, in Gaming News,

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These have surfaced on the Xbox 360 facebook page. I don't know who owns that page, but with 900k likes I'm inclined to think its real.


Here are some mockups of the new console


(roughly 3 hours of extra gameplay) 
Yes, if you have the Season Pass you are fine.
New characters:
RAAM - General RAAM was a silent and savage Locust general. Once a Theron Guard, the cunning and ambitious RAAM usurped the military leadership of the Locust Horde through skill and intellect. When using him in campaign, it has been confirmed you are able to use the Kryll as a shield.
Minh Young Kim - Lieutenant Minh Young Kim was a Gear officer who served in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army during the Locust War, most notably during the Lightmass Offensive. A firm, honorable soldier with a "by-the-book" leadership style. If you remember, he got sliced by RAAM.
Michael Barrick- Corporal Michael Barrick was a former Stranded who enlisted with the Coalition of Ordered Governments army using Operation Lifeboat, becoming a Gear soldier.
Tai Kaliso - Corporal Tai Kaliso was a Gear soldier who hailed from Irohma Island in the South Islands. He joined the Coalition of Ordered Governments army after his hometown was wiped out by Union of Independent Republics forces during the Pendulum Wars. A boulder of a man, Tai's muscular appearance stands in contrast to his quiet, meditative personality. If you remember, he killed himself after being tortured by locust.
Alicia Valera - No information given, except she is voiced by Aisha Tyler.

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