If this is true, this defeats one of the key aspects of console gaming, the fact that you can just pop in the disc and play, without any DRM or installations. The PS3 already has installs, and now it will have serial keys as well. This will also effectively kill the used game market, as well as the rental market as well (for the PS3 anyway). This will also hurt anyone who wants to play the game offline, as they will need to activate the game before hand. No matter how this goes down, it will be a huge loss for consumers.
Since PlayStation runs on a free network, companies are not obligated to serve the PSN network. With all the latest modding and lack of security that Sony can provide, Activision is thinking of pulling Black Ops from the PS3 online world.
If you've been living under a bridge for the last month then you would have missed that the PS3 keys were published by George Hotz or geohot. However, Sony decided to throw a giant lawsuit on his door, but first lets cover some ground
Geohot was the first known individual to jailbreak / unlock an iPhone, then the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) was revised allowing phone modification, which made it legal. On the grounds that since you purchased it, you can do whatever you want. Microsoft has ran into problems like this, because they have the right to "brick" dev consoles because consumers don't legally own them. However, if they were to "brick" JTAGS the lawsuits would fly as Microsoft would be sued for destroying purchased property from a consumer. This is all related roughly to what is going on now.
This case will more than likely decide modding for all consoles. This case could set the precedent for all future modding legal problems. It all comes down to weather you own that piece of hardware you purchased. However, once Sony realizes the weight of this lawsuit they might drop it on a technicality.
Here is an interview with geohot about the whole situation: http://ibotmodz.net/...-of-the-show-r4
For up to date news, watch on geohot's website: http://geohot.com/
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Gears of War 3 has announced the use of dedicated servers on its next major game. Those who played Gears 2 can understand the vast amount of latency that ruined one of the best games of the year. Hopefully the addition of these servers will eliminate the possibility of lag and create a seamless experience. Testing will go down in the upcoming beta.