There has never been a better time for someone new to pick up the game, with a new copy selling for $20 in stores.
Title Update 6 Changes:
•Grunts now do more damage to air units
•The Scarab now has 25% more health and does 25% more damage
•Gremlins now requires 2 reactors to be built
•The Arbiter now takes 25% more damage while raging
•Hunters now focus their Assault Beam much faster
•Brute Chopper is more effective vs. air
Bug Fixes:
•The Cryo/Reactor Glitch has been fixed
•The Multiplayer Lobby should now work better for people with misaligned controllers
•Y-Abilities should no longer have their cooldowns reset erroneously
•Profiles that had problems accruing points in Multiplayer should now be able to gain points properly
•Theatre fixes
Get the DLC!: http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/news/blog/halo-wars-dlc-extreme-shopping-sale/41329