It seems that old man Bungie has been holding the community back, as many players have been demanding a title update for months. Some of the most prominent demands include a more classic halo feel in matchmaking, as well as more custom game options to be available. 343i has been listening, and has announced that they are working on a patch that will be released soon after Bungie officially hand over control of reach to them.
We’re pleased to confirm that we’re planning a Title Update (a small download which will add some interesting functionality) for Halo: Reach in preparation for the multiplayer aspect of Halo: Anniversary.
If your heart suddenly sped up, fret not, Reach fan. This is something that will not only sit side-by-side with Reach’s existing gameplay and will be accessible by both Reach and Anniversary players, but will allow us to make fairly significant changes to multiplayer gameplay within the confines of Matchmaking. We’ve talked about this as a way to better recreate the classic Halo: CE feel for the new classic maps, and it will let us do some things in gameplay that simply aren’t possible now. I don’t want to give too much away until we get through gameplay and bug-testing, but an example scenario would be allowing you to play, say, [REDACTED] with zero fall damage. Now that’s a limited and simplistic example, but it does speak to the way we’re approaching the changes philosophically. There are some bigger ticket “classic†Halo gameplay elements which people are clamoring for and which we intend to do our best to deliver on. More news about specific changes and the timing of the Title Update will be forthcoming. But I can say that, having tried a few of the more significant tweaks, certain “classic†elements are already working with beautiful and deadly efficiency.
Heres hoping we get access to all the options that Bungie left out of the menu (and chooses to tease us with, making thier own gametypes that use options we cannot access.)
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