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About BOBO

  • Birthday 06/24/1990

BOBO's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. i own a kit add my msn ----- DarkEliteModders@hotmail.com
  2. Is this some ******* joke!
  3. thanks dude i do nok take cred for the vid!
  4. Yes it is a tut on how to make good halo3 pics
  5. Use this new tool youtube lol here is the link click here. it's for anybody from the age of 9 to 99!
  6. I voted for sve
  7. BOBO

    My first mod! =).

    Hey if anbody can dev mod please tell me i would like to play a game with u.=)
  8. BOBO

    My first mod! =).

    Just say what u think =)
  9. My first mod yea! I am now one of you folk. =) go to bungie.net and search fun man07! please rate and vote. enjoy! =) It is called the pit mod.
  10. Happy birth-day Xpargas!http://img.youtube.com/vi/icVV_w3eHhs/0.jpg
  11. BOBO


    I am po'd that you can get a job but I don't get it but I have donated 100$
  12. BOBO


    Okay, you can not do that but you can make let's say halo3 with only 1 achivement you can make it modded so that you have 1,000\1,000. good luck and the best.
  13. I can't mod my 360 died and my computer is dead and ths computer I am not killing!
  14. MOD.
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