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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 09 May 2009
    Offline Last Active May 21 2009 02:58 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: Mythic Map Pack Download

    21 May 2009 - 02:57 PM

    You know that doesnt do anything for anyone right?

    In Topic: How did you get your name?

    20 May 2009 - 06:55 PM

    Well, one of my and Josh's 360's kept getting the "Red Rings of Death".
    I would have loved to posted a "fitting" picture but I will get in trouble for it

    In Topic: Lets talk religion/belief

    17 May 2009 - 04:08 PM

    If u have read the bible before there always has been God he was not "born".(oh and can a mod remove that monkeyman's post? i find it offensive) Big bang theory doesnt make sense, it states that at one point that the ENTIRE UNIVERSE was once a super dense point, ok then what would have surrounded this "point"? Evolution is being proved false very often, like the animals found in the amazon believed to have been extint for thousands to millions of years ago. If we were once monkeys then why haven't the other species evolved nearly as fast as ours? And then how does that explain races? natural selection pshhhh

    If you Listen in your science class you will learn that we HAVE NOT evolved quickly. Sure if you look at the "EARTH YEAR" Humans do not appear until Dec.30 at about 5 mins from midnight. But that 5 mins is equal to about 20,000-30,000 years. SO saying we evolved quickly would be false. To correct your statement," Then why have other specices not evloved to be intelligent?" We are not Intelligent either, we've had a lucky break, THE THUMB! Sure modern primates have thumbs they probbaly aquired them through imbredding or evolution. We have had this break longer though.

    In Topic: Are all the staff in the Shout box not "asshalo"s?

    11 May 2009 - 06:56 PM

    Justrec, was typing in all caps nessicary? But Josh wishes he would have added another, ".Melo"

    In Topic: This thread will die immediately

    11 May 2009 - 06:51 PM

    From what I've heard about him, hes a asshalo, so I put together the peices.

    Watch out Quinn, "Asshalo" is a REDWORD!