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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 22 Dec 2008
    Offline Last Active May 31 2015 04:30 AM

    Topics I've Started

    Endure Help, Please Reply!

    23 May 2010 - 12:25 AM

    If anyone is interested, please either reply, or send a message to me over Xbox LivePosted Image, My gamertag is: L1LnICKY, spelt the same way as my iBotModz username. If your thinking im going to weigh you down, your mistaken. I don't want to brag, but I will say that I am pretty good at Halo. I have tried for this Achievement multiple times, gotten to the 4th set all 3 times, but gotten mowed down by Chieftans, but I have now studied multiple strategies on how to get this Vidmaster, and I am very confident with my next try at it. I ill do any map, but I would prefer either Lost Platoon. But I have gotten to the 4th set on others. Anyways, enough with the rambling, please reply! One more time, GT: L1LnICKY

    Edit: I got this Vidmaster yesterday, special thanks to MattyBoy702, Ve7o, and You TriPpY for helping me with this Achievement. I also want to thank lostmodz26, Lockon Stratos, and Diggy for offering to help, you guys really are awesome!


    14 May 2010 - 12:06 AM

    I am trying to use the program, but you have to Authorize yourself as a Member of iBotModz, so I am making this post. It seems alot of people are having troubles with this, so i'm guessing this won't work for me. But lets cross out fingers. Please, AUTHORIZE ME ! (:

    Also, I agree with EVERYONE who thinks Reach is going to PWN MW2 !!