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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 15 Dec 2008
    Offline Last Active Jun 03 2011 05:50 PM

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    In Topic: Please help find Halo/Halo2 AI Mods

    03 June 2011 - 05:49 PM

    thanx for the clarification on yelo. i never had a trainer before so had no idea how they worked.

    and your saying i should be good with just adding all the maps to the halo 2 file? none will clash with each other?

    There probably has been a couple of AI releases since last time I checked. I'll go look at remnant and see if anything new has been posted.

    and that would be excellent if you can find some more :)

    In Topic: Please help find Halo/Halo2 AI Mods

    03 June 2011 - 11:13 AM

    Awesome, thank you :)

    And yea, know about AI revision, but that mediafire link you made totally rocked. Now if some of these use the same maps, will I need to get a new Halo 2 file to alter them onto it or will they all coexist on the same iso?

    And regarding Yelo, do I apply it to each iso, or will Halo 1 and Halo 2 that have AI included just access it from wherever its at on the XBox?

    If anyone know of other AI mods, other tools I need, or any other pertinent info I might need, I'd appreciate it :)