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About bubbie10

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bubbie10's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. it wont work for me...can anyone send me a code? my GT is bubbie123 thanks
  2. image remake
  3. oh well do you have any ideas on what wepons i can remake and what they should look like?
  4. thanks...i wish i could but sadly i cant do you have any ideas?
  5. Im making gow 2 wepons, here are a few. http://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr105/pivotmasterbubbie/555975-boltok_pistol_super.jpg http://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr105/pivotmasterbubbie/longshotsniperriflejp4.jpg http://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr105/pivotmasterbubbie/torqueboweo52.jpg http://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr105/pivotmasterbubbie/torqueboweo5.jpg if you want me to make more tell me what wepon and what you want it to look like
  6. i need rep :( i only want like 30 and then i dont care
  7. the title of this topic was misleading i thought it ment you found a nuke in a care package
  8. thanks
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