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Lakar last won the day on September 12 2012

Lakar had the most liked content!

About Lakar

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Private (4/44)



  1. You should include pictures, so people can really know what they look like instead of just details of em. -Lakar
  2. Lakar


    If you are talking about converting a Xbox 360 to a dev kit. That isn't possible. And you have to buy one... -Lakar
  3. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  4. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  5. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  6. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  7. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  8. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  9. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  10. Just imagine how gay your avatar would look with blue skin color xD. Either way, cool find. -Lakar
  11. Wow... this is an intense picture xD. Did you just randomly think of this out of no where? Anyways, I am going to do this for fun haha, thanks. -Lakar
  12. I will take that challenge and see . I will take pictures for you guys, and you can compare. -Lakar
  13. That was fun doing that with Rogue xD. Good stuff. We should do that on other maps once I get this stuff done. -Lakar
  14. Lakar

    Demonic Creek

    I am really enjoying this map, but I don't like how it is VERY VERY dark. I like it when it is dark, but I could barely see the pictures of the map xD. -Lakar
  15. I would suggest http://www.xbox360iso.com/, it isn't that hard to flash your drive, there are many tutorials you can go to do it. -Lakar
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