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About GRUNT237

  • Birthday 05/17/1995

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  • Gamertag
    GRUNT 237

GRUNT237's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Well i built it in Visual Basic 2010, Maybe if i make it in Visual Basic 2008 , will that work?
  2. This Can pull up your Local IP and all the connection IPs Yeah, Whats your E-Mail?
  3. Yes, click the about button.
  4. Here's a program i made that lets you see the IPs in your Sub Net as well for your own. http://i623.photobucket.com/albums/tt316/Grunt237/Capture.jpg Download Here "WINrar Needed to extract the files" www.SoulerSoftwareadmin.webs.com
  5. Thanks dude, that means a lot
  6. VB.net
  7. Here's a program me and my friend Aaron made. It's a tool that puts a cote over you main screen kinda like a lock. Hope you guys enjoy it, I will hopefully have a lot better ones out soon. And i have broken several objects due to frustration.Please tell me what you think. Click here to download!!! And here's a website Aaron made for it. www.computerLock.webs.com Here's some pic of the program and a virus scan of it. http://i623.photobucket.com/albums/tt316/Grunt237/ComputerLock.jpg http://i623.photobucket.com/albums/tt316/Grunt237/clscan.jpg
  8. Is ther a Zone alarm for a 64-Bit vista? It can't install
  9. That happend to me to, i was not able to get my saved files back This mite by a good idea for the future. Back-up all your files on your computer.
  10. Delete this post if you can i couldent find this http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=9642 post so i made a new one...
  11. Show off your Computer!!! http://i623.photobucket.com/albums/tt316/Grunt237/ShowoffyourDesktop001.jpg
  12. GRUNT237


    Mine is flash Puppy
  13. Ware is the UnleashX skins directory?.
  14. i am Hoping one of you can help me, i have SID 4.0 Nknave i can run the installer but Wen i click "Backup MS dashborad" is just says a error, also it dose it with the all the "restore", "Backup",Delete" Buttons. HELP!!!!
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