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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 22 Sep 2008
    Offline Last Active Dec 22 2008 11:59 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: How To Softmod Your Xbox? (noobs Here)

    02 December 2008 - 11:51 PM

    I really do like this guide, but is there any way to mod my Xbox without an AR? Because, I can't find no ARs where I live.

    In Topic: Graphics Card Help! Please!

    02 December 2008 - 11:47 PM

    Lol you could play it on the lowest settings most likely but why not get it for the 360?

    I did. But, as my friend on the 'webz'(Lol, I fail) grav, told me FPS games are better in PC. Though, I could maybe mod CoD:WaW and just be annoying to noobs. Anyway, thank you guys, on iBMZ, and nice site!

    In Topic: Graphics Card Help! Please!

    02 December 2008 - 06:39 PM

    Dang! But, what if I turned down the graphics? Will I have better gameplay? Or shall it..FAIL!?!

    In Topic: Graphics Card Help! Please!

    02 December 2008 - 06:11 PM

    Can you give me the link to somewhere that has the specs of CoD WoW, and then the link to the specs of your video card?

    EDIT: I have your specs of your video card, just need a more detailed specs then what you already provided.
