I don't suggest getting a linksys, they blow. I bought a router that was supposed to open my NAT, 100 dollars, and it is still strict. Go to xbox.com, they have a list of xbox live compatible routers, like i said, I have one but my NAT is still strict.
Held up a lot better than a 360 would've. I have both, I like my 360 more, but I don't want to be left with nothing when my Xbox breaks again. Xbox is better online, for a small fee, and PS3 is more reliable, so offline games.
I think it's helpful because sometimes when I change my motto i'll put something in without any cus words, and it will say that it is not allowed, so I just followed the tut. Thanks.
Naw, but i recently purchased a nice, new PS3. It's good for single player games, but not for online, cause the online isn't as fast. The good thing is it wont burn down my house and i can hear when i'm playing it. And if worse comes to worse i can always turn it into a George Foreman Grill. http://www.nivas.hr/blog/wp-content/photos/1601_PS3_Grill_is_Real.jpg http://cache.gizmodo.com/assets/resources/2006/11/playstation-3-grill_12.jpg