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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 29 Jul 2007
    Offline Last Active Apr 17 2024 06:56 PM

    Setting JAVA_HOME on a CentOS box

    Posted iBotPeaches on 03 January 2012 - 09:10 AM in CentOS Management

    • Root account
    1) Edit your bash_profile via
    vi /root/.bash_profile

    2) Add the following line (based on the path of your jdk)
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_21
    (Just add it where the other "export" lines are)

    3) Logout of the console/session. Re-log in. You need to do this to reset bash. Sometimes typing "bash" will suffice.

    4) Type this command to test
    echo $JAVA_HOME

    Decompiling Android APPs using APKTool

    Posted iBotPeaches on 12 December 2011 - 11:42 AM in Android

    Requirements (Part 1)

    • APKTool (Download the most up to date version here: http://code.google.c.../downloads/list ) This is .jar file called apktool.jar. Made by Brut.all
    • A packaged ROM.
      • An APK you wish to decompile.
      • The associated framework-res.apk (located in the ROM)
    • Command prompt knowledge.
    • Script folder (To aid in running the JAR file). You may download below.

    Moving from XBR to freeBoot 0.32

    Posted iBotPeaches on 28 June 2010 - 06:12 PM in jTag

    First we are going to need some things.

    • CPU Key (Tutorial for obtaining)
    • 1BL Key (Google it, cannot be posted legally. It starts with a D and ends with an A)
    • Hex Editor (HxD Hex Editor Download)
    • Mobo Files (mediafire link)
    • libeay32.dll (Google your computer for it, I guarantee one application has it. Then simply copy it to needed location)
    • Kernel 9199 files (ask around, or xbins /XBOX 360/development/freeBOOT/)
    • freeBOOT v0.032 (ask around, or xbins /XBOX 360/development/freeBOOT/)
    • Flash360 (download)

    1. Using the CPU Key tutorial, obtain the CPU key and save it to a txt file for future use.

    2. Use Flash360 on your jtagged xbox, and save a Full Nand Backup to the root of the HDD / Flash Drive

    3. Obtain that file, via the flash drive or connecting your hard-drive to your computer from one of these methods.

    4. Open that file in a preferred Hex Editor.

    5. At the very top of the file you should see something similar to CB0=#### (see screenshot below)


    6. Record that 4 digit number in the same txt folder as your CPU key.

    7. Obtain via Google or elsewhere the 1BL Key.

    8. Copy that key to that same txt file too.

    9. Your txt file should now look similar to this.


    If you have all 3 digits, then continue. Otherwise, please re-read steps 1-9.

    10. Extract the freeBoot package.

    11. Move the libeay32.dll from the requirements into the root of the folder (see below)


    12. Copy your XBR3 Backup file from step 4, into the bin folder

    13. Open up Command Prompt

    14. Change Directories to this location.


    cd full location to files.

    cd C:\Users\iBotPeaches\Desktop\360_Flash_Tool_v0.94\freeBOOT-0.032\freeBOOT-0.032

    15. Now copy this code

    ibuild x -d data\ -b 1BLKEY -p CPUKEY bin\flashdmp.bin

    1BLKEY = Key from Step 7, the 1BL Key.
    CPUKey = Key from Step 1, the Xbox 360 CPU Key

    16. This should error out, since it is an XBR file, and not a clean file. Ignore the error and continue.

    17. Navigate to the freeBOOT-0.032\data folder and delete everything but kv.bin, smc.bin and smc_config.bin

    18. Extract the kernel 9199 files directly into the data folder

    19. You should have a lot of files.

    Posted Image

    20. Open up the downloaded mobo_files , and locate your motherboard revision (EX: xenon) and the CB0 type (step 5)

    21. Traverse the file system of the mobo_files opening your mobo revision, and then CB0 type.

    22. Copy the files (crl.bin, crl.bin.meta, extended.bin, extended.bin.meta, odd.bin, odd.bin.meta, secdata.bin, secdata.bin.meta) from the mobo folder into the freeBoot data folder.

    23. Re-open Command Prompt.

    24. If needed, redo steps 13-14 to change to the right directory

    25.Type this code

    ibuild.exe c freeBOOT -c CONSOLE -d data\ -p CPUKEY -b 1BLKEY bin\images.bin bin\fuses.bin


    CONSOLE = falcon, xenon, jasper, jasper256 or jasper512
    CPUKEY = CPU Key from step 1
    1BLKey = 1BL Key from step 7

    26. Hit enter and the process should complete without errors. If it does error, restart my tutorial right now.

    27. There is now an image.bin file in the bin folder that happens to be the same size as your XBR dump.

    28. Rename image.bin to updflash.bin and re-transfer back to your flash drive or HDD (Do the reverse of step 3)

    29. Boot your jtagged 360 and boot Flash360.xex

    30. Click A, B, A and that will re-flash that image to your xbox.

    31. If anything errors, restart my tutorial again.

    32. If all succeeded the xbox 360 should restart.

    33. Upon restarting it will act like a new xbox asking for your language. You got it :p

    34. Verify in the settings menu that your current dash is 2.0.9199.0

    Unlock Everything in MW2

    Posted iBotPeaches on 24 February 2010 - 06:15 AM in Modern Warfare 2


    Quick Text Version:

    • Make New Account
    • Play 1 game of MW2
    • Use whatever means you use to access HDD
    • Navigate to your new profile on Partition 3
    • Find the mpdata(random numbers) file
    • Move to your desktop
    • Open that file in the mpdata Editor
    • Edit the file to your content
    • Save the file
    • Re-transfer the file back to your xbox.
    • done.

    Modern War 2: Inf Carepackages

    Posted iBotPeaches on 30 January 2010 - 05:33 PM in Modern Warfare 2

    This glitch allows you to retain another care-package, after you pick up the previous one.
    This also works for ANYTHING that can be thrown, like Sentry Guns and Emergency Airdrops.


    • 1) Get a care-package, by 3 or 4 kills (depending if you have hardline)
    • 2) Locate an obstacle, that the A button will prompt. "Press A to Jump Over"
    • 2a) The obstacle, must force your weapon away as you go over it.
    • 3) Take out your care package marker.
    • 4) Mount the obstacle to climb over
    • 5) When you are directly above it, click right on the d-pad to pull out the care package marker.
    • 6) If you go over the obstacle with the care package marker still in hand, you've done it right.
    • 7) Simply throw the care-package, after you pickup the box. You will have another.
    • 8) Repeat 2-7 again
    Staff Response
    It has been patched as of February 19, 2010.

    Key Points
    1) You cannot be using Marathon Pro, as you climb too fast
    2) If you receive Ammo in the box, do not pick it up. Kill yourself, and you'll have another care package, assuming you did steps 2-7 correct.

    Best Scenario:
    Make sure you have Care-Package, Sentry Gun, and Emergency Airdrop as your killstreaks. Now get 4 (possibly 5) kills and get back to your base. Set up your sentry guns using the inf glitch, so that you are protected. Those Sentrys if you didn't die will carry you to Emergency Airdrop. Simply then call airdrop after airdrop.

    JTAG Hack an Xbox 360

    Posted iBotPeaches on 04 January 2010 - 02:35 PM in jTag

    This tutorial will be made as I make it. I'm currently performing the JTAG hack on my own xbox and will post tutorial results as I complete them.

    Part 1: "Gathering your materials"
    Written by iBotPeaches

    First off, we will be making a "clean" nand dump connection. This means you will be able to remove the cable without de-soldering. Thus, you won't have cables anywhere. This tutorial also assumes you know how to take apart your xbox 360. This is the tutorial I used for taking apart my xbox.

    (Most of these items can be picked up at a local RadioShack.)

    • A computer with a LPT Port, and 32 bit OS (Figure 01)
    • Xbox 360 with older dash then 8495 (Figure 03)
    • Xbox Hard Drive
    • DB25 25-way male plug (RadioShack Link) (Figure 02)
    • D-Sub hood 25-way (RadioShack Link) (Figure 02)
    • Standard RJ45 / CAT5 Cable (If you require one, buy a cheap one)
    • 2-6 100ohm resistors ( RadioShack Link)
    • Soldering Iron (RadioShack Link)

      Computer Based Applications
    • Total Commander (File Compare Program)
    • 360 Flash Tool (Program)
    • NAND Compare (Compare NANDs)
    • NAND Pro (It only worked on 32bit XP for me.)
    • Degraded (Used for testing nand dump for bad blocks)
    This apps can be downloaded from our jtag section

    Not required, but helpful items.

    • Flux (Make clean solder points)
    • Multimeter (Check your points, and double check to prevent problems)
    • Electrical Tape (Tape down your cables to prevent snagging)
    • Low Soldering Iron (You need one, just a low watt one)

    Key Points
    • You can use a variety of switching diodes such as BAT41, N4148 or PH4148.
    • The resistors are not needed on some setups, it just protects your xbox and prevents silly errors
    • Please please be careful when soldering, and use a low watt iron. Something too strong will lift traces and make a horrible experience.
    • Most errors are caused by a long cable, so try and make all connections involved in your NAND dump as short as possible.

    (Figure 01)
    Posted Image

    (Figure 02)
    Posted Image

    (Figure 03)
    Posted Image

    Choosing video quality for Sony Vegas

    Posted iBotPeaches on 25 October 2009 - 08:26 PM in GFX

    Once your video is done go to

    "Render As..."

    Change the type to


    and if you have pre-defined templates use "HDV- 1080-50i"

    Otherwise go to the custom button and use these settings.


    Or the text version:

    Audio: 384 Kbps, 48,000 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MPEG
    Video: 25 fps, 1440x1080 Upper field first, YUV, 25 Mbps
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.333

    Everything else default. This will allow for optimal YouTube videos with filesizes less than 500mb that can go up to 4 minutes, with amazing quality.

    The Complete Halo 3 Modding Tutorial (Part 2 of 5)

    Posted iBotPeaches on 04 October 2009 - 08:01 PM in Halo 3: ODST

    The Complete Halo 3 Modding Tutorial (Part 2 of 5)
    Written by iBotPeaches of iBotModz.net

    What we are covering in this session
    Now that you have your Halo 3 disc maps that we got from Part 1 of this tutorial, we can move onto extracting user maps and the DLC maps such as Blackout, and Ghost Town to increase your modding abilities. We will also show how to find your gamertag's folder, find user maps and navigate around your hard drive.


    • -xSATA or Xport
    • -Xplorer 360 Beta 6 or Xport 360
    • -Xbox 360 Hard drive
    • -WxPirs
    (All downloads for programs used are available at the bottom of this post)


    First off get out your XSATA and XPORT and connect your hard drive to it. If you do not know how, please read the instruction manual that came with your product. I will be using Xport for this tutorial, it does not require the 360. It is a docking station for the hard drive. I apologize for the blurriness of my pictures, my camera must be broken.


    Now open up either Xport 360 or Xplorer 360. This post will only provide downloads for Xplorer 360, and that is what the tutorial will also use. However Xport 360 works just as well. You should be greeted with a simple program that is blank. Go up to "file", "open" "hard drive or memory card"


    If your hard drive is connected properly and nothing is wrong, 3 partitions will appear on the left side. If you cannot get your hard drive files to appear, go through the manual of your product. There are some settings you can forget.


    Partition 3 is where all the files we need will be stored. I believe Partition 1, is all cache. Partition 2 handles the emulators and backwards compatibility for the normal xbox. (If that is wrong, drop me a PM and I will update this) ,and Partition 3 holds all xbox 360 related files. So we will double click "Partition 3" on the left side to expand it

    As simple as it looks "Content" will be storing our files. You can double click content to expand its files.


    Now you can see that the gamertag that is blurred out (there all blurred out, but the one with the most folders), is my main gamertag. It means it has stuff stored for 9 games (which represents the 9 folders)


    The Halo 3 folder is 4D5307E6, which is within my gamertag folder. So double click that folder to open up the game's custom content files.


    Now you will be greeted by a folder named 00000001, directly inside the 4D5307E6 folder. This 00000001 folder holds all user maps and game types.

    You can now drag and drop those to your computer based on what you want to do. Remember the ideal forge map size is 116kb. If its anything different you either selected "save changes" or just broke your map. For such rehashing reasons and resigning issues, its recommended to make sure your forge user map size is 116kb.

    Now lets get the remaining Halo 3 DLC Maps
    Now lets go to Partition 3 and open the "content" folder as we did to get our user maps.

    This time we will click the 0000000000 folder as it holds all of games content, that isn't user made Please ignore that opened gamer tag folder. I forgot to close it, just open the 00000000 folder.


    If you did it correctly tons of games will appear on the right side. However they are in different names. 4D5307E6 represents the Halo 3 content and that is what you want to click on.


    By successfully clicking on 4D5307E6 (Halo 3 folder) you should be greeted with 4 sub-folders. Those folders are 00020000, 00030000, 000000002, and 000C0000. Ignore all folders except the 00000002.

    Now you double click that 00000002 folder to see all the Halo 3 DLC Maps. The maps are not in the .MAP format. They are in a container file. Your job is now to get those container files to your computer.

    Use the "extract" function of Xplorer360 to extract them into your Halo 3 folder. Or desktop (your preference)


    I'm looking for my Halo 3 folder, as it prompts for a place to store the file.


    Now it dumps the container file directly into that folder. Don't worry the container files will stay on your 360. Your not moving it, just copying it. Repeat this for all container files, with current updates there are now 3.

    Now we have the container DLC maps on our computer.


    We will now take those maps and extract them into their raw .map format. For this we will need wxPirs (download at bottom) Open up wxPirs, and go to "file" "open..."


    Now you should select one of those container files we extracted from your hard drive.

    This will extract the files and make them readable. You will now see the .mapinfo, .bin and .map files. The disc maps .mapinfo files were stored in a different folder on the disc, so we will extract the files into the correct place of the Halo 3 disc maps. Follow the pictures to understand more. First we will select all the .MAP files with "CNTRL". I used the Legendary Mappack as you can tell, so If yours doesn't match you can switch container files to match this tutorial exactly.


    Note on the picture above, how I selected all the .map and moved them to the maps folder with Part 1 of this tutorial. I then moved the .mapinfo files and .bin files and moved those into the same folder as the disc maps. This allows the programs such as Sandbox to open all maps without problems.When done you should have all the DLC .mapinfo, .bin and .map files moved into the same place as the disc maps, that we did in Part 1. The picture below is selecting all the .mapinfo files

    Once you extract all the DLC containers, you should have all the .mapinfo, .bin, and .maps in your same folder as part 1 of this tutorial. This picture shows the root folder should look like with the addition of both the Heroic and Legendary Mappack.


    This is a picture of how the info folder should look.


    And this how the images folder should look.


    If they don't match, you extracted the files to wrong place. You should get the idea by looking at these pictures, so go back and re-extract them.


    Disc Maps:Maps from the Halo 3 disc.
    Partition: A separate part of the hard drive, split into "sections"


    Attached File  XPlorer_360_Extreme_2.rar   54.61KB   677 Number of downloads
    Attached File  wxPirs-1.1.rar   41.26KB   666 Number of downloads

    This was written 100% by iBotPeaches of iBotModz.net. All images and words were written by him. No images were taken, and nothing but the glossary was from 3rd party sites. Part 2 will come very soon. This tutorial is only authorized on iBotModz.net and iBotModz Affiliate sites. If you see this elsewhere. Please contact iBotPeaches.

    Simplitic Tag Tutorial

    Posted iBotPeaches on 03 October 2009 - 07:54 AM in GFX


    Made by Anarchy

    Understanding the X3 CE

    Posted iBotPeaches on 01 October 2009 - 07:05 AM in Hardware

    Xecuter 3 CE




    The Xecuter 3 is such an advance it is considered 5th generation and as always is leaving the competition behind as you can see by the features, not only do they always lead the scene on the latest advances they also have the biggest user based support of any other product giving you the quality of product along with the support you need.

    The Xecuter X3 XBox modchip is the latest mod chip to date introducing the latest features available for the Xbox. It works on all Xbox consoles and allows you to play all import games, homebrew code (as well of course as games from your region) and more. The final X3 has 16 I/O ports to support a multitude of future add-ons. Team Xecuter has developed a Parallel LCD interface which requires no soldering and simply be plug n play.

    Team Xecuter has also successfully implemented the new HDD upgrade function. It's so fast and simple to use - boot X3 with new HDD, select New HDD Upgrade (you can also set your LBA48 settings on the fly) - Your drive is partitioned and ready to FTP at up to 11,000 kb/sec in less than 5 seconds (This is included in the beta trials). The hardware info section now has an Xbox version checker & video encoder checker - including the new Xcaliber.

    Another new feature is the User Selectable Startup Logo. Instead of it saying XECUTER3 you can have any logo you wish - and color too! Now the great thing about this new version is that before you had to manually convert the bmp image to raw data using some dos app - our new bios will convert it to raw format on the fly so all you need to upload to your xbox is xecuter3.bmp. The new FTP Bios Loader is brilliant. You simply FTP into your Xbox - select the admin folder and you have 4 options - 2048k, 1024k, 512k and 256k. If you have a 1MB (1024k) bios which is the size of the X3 bios - simply open up the 1024k folder. You then get two more folders Banks1234 and Banks5678. Choose which bank set you wish to store the bios and upload. Your bios is flashed and verified in seconds.


    • * Xecuter 3 Modchip
    • * External Switch & Cables
    • * Option 1 - All The Wires For A Wire Fit
    • * Option 2 - Pin Header For Pin Header Fit
    • * Both fitting options are included, it's up to you which way you decide to install
    • * 2MB Flash Rom With 15 Bios Storage Options
    • * Dedicated 256K Backup Rom with a new Linux based bios (Can be upgraded to any bios you wish)
    • * i2c Bus for X3 Config LIVE!
    • * New Enhanced SPI / i2c Interface
    • * New Enhanced 16xI/O Bus for Full LCD support (and other future hardware add-ons)
    • * All LCD modules to be custom made with adapters so no soldering required
    • * Flash Protection Control
    • * Mod Disable - Quick Press of Power or Eject (External LED will indicate RED LED)
    • * Quick Press Power+Eject >1 second to boot from 256k Backup Rom (External LED will indicate YELLOW LED)
    • * Quick Press >1 second to boot from 2Mb Flash Rom (External LED will indicate GREEN LED)
    • * HDD Activity LED
    • * LAN Activity LED
    • * LPC/D0 Alignment LED
    • * D0 Control
    • * Wire Install Option + Included Wire adapter
    • * Pin Header Install Option
    • * New No-Solder Pogo Pin Install Option Available
    • * New external programming interface Compatible with all current bios's
    • * Supplied with all adapters & wires
    Bank Modes

    • * 256k/256k/256k/256k/256k/256k/256k/256k/
    • * 512k/512k/512k/512k/
    • * 1024k/1024k
    • * 2048k
    X3 Config Live Features

    • * All works direct from new X3 on any new install.
    • * Select which bios bank to boot from on-the-fly
    • * Switch to either retail bios mode or FULL debug bios mode
    • * Display / Edit bios names from each bank
    • * Full DHCP & Static IP Support
    • * Built-in FTP Server with Boost Mode (Over 11,000kb/sec !!!)
    • * Built-in Web server
    • * Flash BIOS via HTTP
    • * Flash BIOS via FTP
    • * New FTP Based Bios Storage System
    • * Control all BIOS / Mod functions and settings from HTTP & PC App
    • * Enhanced BIOS flash speed
    • * Built-in Onscreen Keyboard
    • * Customize all features of the bios on-the-fly
    • * LBA48 Live Control (Select Partition 6 or 6+7)
    • * IGR Live Control (Enable or Disable)
    • * Quick Launch Feature (select different features to be executed with game pad combos)
    • * Customize start-up animation colours on-the-fly (With Active Colour Picker System)
    • * Customize start-up flubber colours on-the-fly (With Active Colour Picker System)
    • * Change Camera Angles of the start-up animation (select between 15 options or choose random)
    • * User selectable start-up logo
    • * Password your XBOX for extra security
    • * Change your power LED colour on the fly
    • * Set your Internal Fan Speed on-the-fly
    • * Enable or Disable Reset on eject
    • * Boot to original MS Dash
    • * Boot to original MS Bios
    • * Load Bios from HDD C, D, E, F and Flash
    • * Load Bios from DVD-ROM and Flash
    • * Format & Partition HDD
    • * Install & Partition Brand new HDD (ready to FTP in less than 5 seconds!)
    • * Lock / Unlock HDD
    • * Set / Display Video Mode
    • * Progressive Scan Control (480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i)
    • * Set widescreen / letterbox
    • * New Audio Options (User selectable background music)
    • * Set / Display Game Region
    • * Set / Display DVD Region
    • * Display HDD Password
    • * Display All Xbox Live Configuration
    • * Display All Network Configuration
    • * Display all Eeprom public and encrypted data
    • * Display Xbox Version
    • * Display Video Encoder Version
    • * Save XBOX Eeprom to X3
    • * Restore XBOX Eeprom from X3
    • * Auto Save Eeprom to X3 on first install
    • * Save Settings to Eeprom
    • * Set default dashboard
    • * Setup custom dashboard selection (5 Options)
    • * Set drive to boot dash from (C E or F)
    • * Set LBA48 settings
    • * Auto Fix of corrupt date / time
    • * X3 Software Integration to other dashboards
    • * Brand new X3 Bios Manager for the PC - MANY new features including full BIOS configuration via built in web server
    What comes in the box

    • * Xecuter 3 CE Modchip
    • * External Switch & Cables
    • * LPC Rebuild For Versions 1.6 & 1.6b
    • * Option 1 - All The Wires For A Wire Fit
    • * Option 2 - Pin Header For Pin Header Fit
    • * Supplied with all adapters & wires


    The Complete Halo 3 Modding Tutorial (Part 1 of 5)

    Posted iBotPeaches on 30 September 2009 - 08:54 PM in Halo 3: ODST

    The Complete Halo 3 Modding Tutorial (Part 1 of 5)

    Written by iBotPeaches of iBotModz.net

    What we are covering in this session

    Today we will be cover ripping Halo 3 to your computer so you may use the .MAP files and image files which other sites cannot provide. It will require lots of things. For people saying "omg wtf, this ain't no tutorial for h3" If you actually modded and didn't sniff off every thing like XSATA and resigners then this is what you have to do. Most people go beyond this, but this is the lowest you can go. Halo 2 required a raw dump to get clean maps. So this is the tutorial built for Halo 3. Written by iBotPeaches of iBotModz.net


    • CD Disc Drive
    • wxRipper (Ripping Halo 3)
    • wx360 (De-compiling the direct Halo 3 dump into files)
    • Halo 3
    • Phillips and Flathead screwdrivers
    • Movie larger than 8gb
    • Patience

    Here we have a normal CD Drive (DVD Drive if you want, but CD will work and is better to use just in case you break it) , with the sticker removed around the plastic piece that holds a disc in place


    After you've sliced or cut your sticker around your plastic piece its time to take apart the drive. All driver are different, and all you need is some screwdrivers to remove the case. I've already done it, and try to match your drive closest to the below picture. Notice how there is only the blue thing, so you can "hot swap" it.

    halo3tut 003.jpg

    Now you must find a DVD that is longer than 140 minutes. So that will make it larger than 8gb. I'm using Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Any movie newer than 2006 however has better protection and cannot be burned using this method.

    halo3tut 005.jpg

    This next part is confusing and will require you to pay attention and follow it exactly. Otherwise you will get a failed raw dump. Your job is to successfully get the movie (Pirates) spinning around on the disc in the "hot-swapped" disc drive. Like so.

    halo3tut 008.jpg

    (Its spinning around in Real Life, my camera shutter speed is fast enough to catch it, even though its moving. Our frame rate as a human is too slow, so its moving, but for the camera picture its not)

    Now load up wxRipper (Download at bottom)


    Click that Magnifying Glass on the right of the green arrow. This will load up the DVD and make sure it loads. If it does you will be greeted like this. It will say "done" in the log box and show tons of numbers.


    Now for the hotswap. Click "Stop Drive" under the HotSwap menu. That should slow the DVD down to a stop.


    Now you can remove the little blue thing, remove the DVD and neatly and carefully place Halo 3 on the disc drive and place the blue thing back on top.


    Go back to wxRipper, and go back to the HotSwap menu and select "Spin Drive"

    Now Halo 3 should spin up and you now have "tricked" the system into thinking its burning a DVD. Go to "File" "Start Dump" and begin the RAW DUMP transfer. It may ask you to name your ISO, save it to your desktop and call it "Halo3.iso" This is temporary till we extract it.


    This is the start of it. It counts the file size up on the far left till it reaches the full size. I took a picture fairly early so it has awhile to go.


    Go grab a drink, and sit down this takes a good 20 minutes. I was gone during this tutorial, so I did not get a picture, and too lazy to burn another copy just to get a picture. It says complete and you now have a Halo3.iso on your desktop.

    With this image, lets open wx360. Which comes in the same folder as wxRipper. Once you load up wx360. Go to "File" "Open"


    Now browse into your desktop and select Halo3.iso


    Like a miracle, all the files load up into a English language that you can read. Go up to "File" "Extract All Files"


    Now it will ask you to save it somewhere. I save my stuff on my desktop. so I named it "Halo 3 Files" and saved it there.


    Then you watch and wait as it takes about 40 minutes to convert raw .ISO material into usable files.Watch the log on the bottom of the program as it displays the current file being transferred and its fun to watch. The code below is an example of what is shown in the box.

    subfile : 040_voi.map @ 0x288720, size 0x18137000 in C:Documents and Settings----DesktopHalo3Filesmaps
     subfile : 050_floodvoi.map @ 0x2B898E, size 0x17E50000 in C:Documents and Settings----DesktopHalo3Filesmaps
    subfile : 070_waste.map @ 0x2E862E, size 0x19BA1000 in C:Documents and Settings-----DesktopHalo3Filesmaps

    You now have all the Halo 3 raw files on your computer!

    Next Tutorial features....

    • -Getting DLC Maps
    • -Using these maps with Sandbox
    • -Making a Mod in Halo 3 to "Mod"
    • -Connecting to your xbox 360 with either xPort or xSATA
    • Hotswap = Hot swapping may be used to add or remove peripherals or components, to allow a device to synchronize data with a computer, and to replace faulty modules without interrupting equipment operation.
    • ISO/IMAGE = An ISO image is an archive file (a.k.a. disk image) of an optical disc using a conventional ISO format that is supported by many software vendors
    Common Errors

    Q: I get this error.

    A: You need to get a bigger disc that's not 8gb. Or you when you put in the DVD you took too long and the disc stopped spinning. You always need to disc spinning, until you stop it.

    This was written 100% by iBotPeaches of iBotModz.net. All images and words were written by him. No images were taken, and nothing but the glossary was from 3rd party sites. Part 2 will come very soon. This tutorial is only authorized on iBotModz.net and iBotModz Affiliate sites. If you see this elsewhere. Please contact iBotPeaches.