that wont fix it it's a bot and it's denfinately not located in "My Documents" just ending the task wont fix it. the bot connects on startup and yes that con resigner is fake.O.k there is a fake VIRUS!! Con resigner if you have a resigner that looks like this remove it!!!
This Will "Resign" your mod to 0kb
and when you start up your computer in any mode (Normal,Safe Mode, ETC)
It will have a black background a My Documents will start up to fix this follow these steps
How to fix.
1.After "My Documents" Loads Press (CTRL+ALT+DELETE)
2. Click File >> New Task (Run...)
3. It will start up run then type (Explorer)
4. Your computer is fixed!!
iBotModz CBox
MCM Domino
Member Since 02 May 2008Offline Last Active May 02 2008 01:44 PM