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About rampaigewow

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  1. Thanks for the quick response! I followed your steps and started getting a new error (but I made progress!). The error said something about like sbsp or something so I looked it up and found I needed plugins for it. I downloaded Xzodia's from Remnant Mods and now it appears to be working fine. When I click visual editor error message I do get a pop up window that looks like an error, but the visual editor open fine and I can move around fine in it, haven't modded anything yet. So all appears well right now, thanks again. Just figure I would post this update incase someone else is having the same issues I was.
  2. --- First off I just wanted to thank iBotPeaches any anyone else who may have helped with this site. I used to mod halo 2 a long time ago and recently broke out my xbox again to start modding H2 again. Had it not been for this site (the only one that seems to have working download links), I may have just given up trying to download everything again. The AIO has made my life so much easier so I really appreciate the fact that someone is putting in the time to make it possible for people like me to get back into modding H2 for xbox. --- My Issue: I am using the AIO program from this site and it has helped me sooooo much when modding my maps. Nearly everything is working great (and the stuff that doesn't is usually user error lol) but the one thing I am having issues with is getting the Entity Visual Editor to work. (I Believe the version is 2.1.1? in AIO). As soon as I click on it I get an error box which gives me the option of "Details" / "Continue" / "Quit"....(I am not my modding computer right now so don't have the exact message, but can grab a screenshot later if needed). I've seen error messages like this a lot when I mod Halo 2, sometimes in DotHalo when I change a value to be blank or something. I am not sure if this has to do with the fact that I am running windows 7. I have heard that later versions of Entity do work with windows 7, not sure what is the earliest one that does, but unfortunately all those download links seem to be nonexistent. If anyone has any idea on how to solve this problem, that would be great. If there is another program I can use to view and edit/move BSPs I'd be fine with that. Thanks, Rampaige
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