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About JasperRGH

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  1. OMFG thank you i got what you said thank you thank you i love you wanna date sometime? <3 jk
  2. RGH,64 bit,cause i seen a tut and he said to restart it,
  3. Ok so in real time cod i go to Edit then put in what Tu im on then my ip adress then i put the xex then i press the exit button to back out of the settings then at the top left of the RTC program it still says "" and thats not my ip then i restart it to see if that would work but it didnt What txt file are you talking about? the only files in where my RTC program is: Mw3 cgf,Tu 8,RTC program and x devkit.dll
  4. When i put my settings in RTC then back out it says and that's obvs not my IP then i restarted it and it still says it what am i doing wrong
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