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About GermanShepherdD

  • Birthday 10/12/1992

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GermanShepherdD's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 1

Apprentice Grade 1 (2/44)



  1. I tried to edit the spawns in the BSP editor but I have no idea what I am doing. I think I will wait for Twam to get up and I will try it again. :3 http://i.imgur.com/nbcPp.jpg
  2. Does anyone know how to place spawns in the Campaign. I am trying to get it to work as a multiplayer map so friends can join over XBC. When I Put the Campaign map in my slot i made the map loads and I am looking at the ground and can't move which leads me to believe I am not spawning correctly. I can't figure it out and Twam can't remember. I am using Entity 2.1.12 since it is the only on that works on Windows 7 64bit. Also if there is a tutorial on this website on how to use Entity fully I would very much appreciate a link to it. :3
  3. This worked thank you twam the master of all technology... now all i need is the save. :3
  4. I have current come across a action replay disc but not the hardware. So I decided to try to make my own AR using a controller and a usb cable. I link them together and it works with games on the computer. But when I go to use it to soft mod my xbox 1 AR does not see the memory card in the controller. The lite on the AR software also blinks once when I plug in the controller but will not stay on. Me and Twam do not know what to do so I am counting on you all to please help. :3
  5. http://i.imgur.com/SnUpkl.jpg
  6. I still have a dumb phone.... a really dumb phone. :3
  7. Hello everybody, I am new to this site but you can expect me to be coming back here. Especially to see my friend Twam who is absolutely awesome . :3
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