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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 08 Nov 2010
    Offline Last Active Jan 08 2011 08:42 PM

    Topics I've Started

    Xbox 360 Water Cooled!

    03 December 2010 - 10:52 PM

    lol hey everyone it's me halo3, i just finished my latest project, a water cooled xbox 360. Now sure people have water cooled 360s in the past ok, but this is the ultimate and i made sure. I got a custom water block, industrial pump, huge industrial radiator, and huge industrial fan. The water flows 6X through the radiator which is about 1 1/2 foot by 6 inches, and a about 8 in 12V industrial fan is blowing on it. Its super cool, and the loading time is 3X faster, and the bottom of the case feels like you just turned it on 30 secs ago. The pic below are the first test, i'm gonna fix the whole in the case, add the rest of the case and take temps ect.

    Update: after running it for about an hour its at 28C=82.4F very slightly above room temp :-)

    Attached File  IMG_2227.JPG   1.61MB   209 downloads