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    rebecca 218

    Member Since 23 Aug 2010
    Offline Last Active Aug 23 2010 02:43 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: alternative to rep system

    23 August 2010 - 02:20 PM

    okay, i just got this random idea here. i think we should have a rating system based off of 5 star ratings. ill call it karma. okay so kinda like when you add rep, just make it so you decide how many stars you wana give that person (maybe make moderators, and vips votes). ratting will average themselves and as far as vip goes, lets say they have to have a 5, or 4 star rating with *insert number* of votes. and maybe make it mandatory in certain forums to rate after you post it or something so we get more voters.

    just a thought.

    the thing is people can cheat and there mates will give them high stars so it is a very easy system to cheat on !