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lol lol lol rofl

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About lol lol lol rofl

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    xRip Dack 49x

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  1. So, it can't run Gamecube backups no matter what?
  2. I once saw a texture mod for the slime, and it basically had this texture but it was still a cube: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/71097_50421060903_385034_n.jpg 'Twas pretty awesome.
  3. Sweet. I'll try it now, I have the eeprom backup and everything. First I need to make sure the game even works, because almost 25% of the games I've downloaded from xboxisozone don't work with my xbox for one reason or another :/ Edit: I think it's working At first I thought it would conflict with the existing softmod, but then I knew it would work when it said it would format my C drive and then install the softmod. Now I wait for it to finish..............................Awesome, it worked. Thanks for your help, I'm glad I didn't break it lmao Edit 2: Ha, I found a typo. The screensaver says SID 3.1 Final, and I'm 100% sure I installed it with SID 5.1 Final. It even said that in the installer.
  4. Same here, I hope Peaches can help I modded mine 5 years ago and I don't want to do something that will break it.
  5. I want to update my softmod with SID 5.1 (yep, I still use my modded xbox) but I don't have either of the 3 games needed to softmod it. If I download Splinter Cell and transfer it onto my HDD to be loaded directly from said HDD, would I be able to update the softmod by running the game and then loading the save? Or would I have to uninstall the softmod and buy the game again (Pshhh, if I can find it anywhere) to re-mod it?
  6. lol that kid just has a red anus from your rape. [offtopic]Your Reach will Own MW2 sig is the most epic sig I've ever seen. lostmodz is epic for making it. lol[/offtopic]
  7. lol what were you actually doing in Halo 3 were you actually modding or what happened that made him say that? Did you just rape him in the arse and now he's sore?
  8. They'll have these ub3r high tech virtual reality helmets that make this possible. I can confirm this. in imagination land
  9. Moscow, Russia. You guys are gay. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16NNUAyG8Ug
  10. I can't find where to activate the codec on Vista. It doesn't have anything for Audio Codecs in the device manager.
  11. A-No. Bad move on my dad's part. Does it work with Windows 7 if I decide to get that?
  12. I just tried that for all of the different compatibility option and it still didn't work. This sucks...I really wanted to make a tourettes guy gun lol
  13. Does anybody know the link to a Halo 2 Sound tools that works? Every time I use it, including the one in UMP v5, it always just automatically says "Halo2ST has stopped working. Blah blah blah." and closes. I also found a couple mirror links to it and they all did the same thing. Is it because I'm on Vista or something? It just fails hard. If no one has a link can someone at least explain to me why it crashes on startup, no matter what link or download I use?
  14. Yeah that stuff didn't work. But I was browsing Se7enSins and stumbled upon a plugin for Entity that actually made it work. Maybe I'll make a tut on it.
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