I once saw a texture mod for the slime, and it basically had this texture but it was still a cube: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/71097_50421060903_385034_n.jpg 'Twas pretty awesome.
Sweet. I'll try it now, I have the eeprom backup and everything. First I need to make sure the game even works, because almost 25% of the games I've downloaded from xboxisozone don't work with my xbox for one reason or another :/ Edit: I think it's working At first I thought it would conflict with the existing softmod, but then I knew it would work when it said it would format my C drive and then install the softmod. Now I wait for it to finish..............................Awesome, it worked. Thanks for your help, I'm glad I didn't break it lmao Edit 2: Ha, I found a typo. The screensaver says SID 3.1 Final, and I'm 100% sure I installed it with SID 5.1 Final. It even said that in the installer.
I want to update my softmod with SID 5.1 (yep, I still use my modded xbox) but I don't have either of the 3 games needed to softmod it. If I download Splinter Cell and transfer it onto my HDD to be loaded directly from said HDD, would I be able to update the softmod by running the game and then loading the save? Or would I have to uninstall the softmod and buy the game again (Pshhh, if I can find it anywhere) to re-mod it?
lol that kid just has a red anus from your rape. [offtopic]Your Reach will Own MW2 sig is the most epic sig I've ever seen. lostmodz is epic for making it. lol[/offtopic]
lol what were you actually doing in Halo 3 were you actually modding or what happened that made him say that? Did you just rape him in the arse and now he's sore?
Does anybody know the link to a Halo 2 Sound tools that works? Every time I use it, including the one in UMP v5, it always just automatically says "Halo2ST has stopped working. Blah blah blah." and closes. I also found a couple mirror links to it and they all did the same thing. Is it because I'm on Vista or something? It just fails hard. If no one has a link can someone at least explain to me why it crashes on startup, no matter what link or download I use?
Yeah that stuff didn't work. But I was browsing Se7enSins and stumbled upon a plugin for Entity that actually made it work. Maybe I'll make a tut on it.