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xX StRaFe MuCh

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About xX StRaFe MuCh

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    xX StRaFe MuCh

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  1. lol i myt take some with my capture card... lmao
  2. i dont fet what u mean ??? like a AIO ?? add me on msn : joe.rigby@hotmail.co.uk and ill team viewer u all the sources ***EDIT*** oh sorry i get what u mean (This is a link lol) oh n no i didn't i didn't know about that site, if you look at my app in the Credits section all the people that have helped me are in the Credits Section and Sites
  3. ***INFO*** MODS IN AT THE MOMENT: -Rehash Resigner -MW2 Barracks Modder -Rainbow Six Vegas 2 -Red Dead Redemption -Just Cause 2 ***UPDATE INCLUDES*** Mods: -Rainbow Six Vegas 2 -Red Dead Redemption -Just Cause 2 Credits: lbjdaking23 ***Screen Shot*** http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8176/01jul081909.jpg ***Download*** http://rapidshare.com/files/405762685/AppHacks360_v2.rar.html
  4. Pearson /FACEPALM
  5. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/18693-please-sticky-apphacks360-beta-v15/ download it... open the rehash resigner.... open your file... rehash resign
  6. u need to rehash and resign
  7. How can it be dead ?? I posted it today and im prem
  8. I logged on here just now and found out its iphone compatable ... Cool
  9. Did i say i did it all ... Err no if u download it ull se a guy in the credits called Hazard who help me with it ... So shush
  10. tomorrow ill teamviewer u the source to prove it gunna go bed now lmao
  11. SO YOU SHOULD BE !!! (see how it has my name in the Form text... oh and its not a Rehash/Resigner.... its a Rehash Resigner ... ATM im working a doin them seperalty for unbanning things...
  12. nope ... programmed all my self ... with a bitta help with the codes... well helpers are in credits under the X
  13. no its not lmao... all one program... im not quite noobish enuf to make a app with 2 AIO's !!!!
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