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Grape soda

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About Grape soda

  • Birthday 11/15/1985

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Private (4/44)



  1. turkey day tomorrow! Its good to be American!
  2. gonna take a paintball gun and hold kids up for their candy....
    1. Randomrocket
    2. connorss


      you stole my idea...... only i used c4 ;)
  3. very original name....
  4. Best Buy has some good subs for about $100 so you dont have to pay for shipping....
  5. I dont think its possible for you guys to make your pictures any bigger....seriously can we please try to compress your pics before uploading?? lol
  6. found out that shooting your siblings and going to prison for it is much better than a 16 hour drive with them.
  7. Happy Birthday man! My Bday is in 2 weeks.
  8. Im worse when I want my grape soda.....
  9. lol I did that once. Except it was iphones only.
  10. 1. in a spaceship 2. Your father screamed real good when he died! 3.
  11. Morse code lol
  12. lol. What if the error is showing the screen?? then what?? That sounds like a really retarded way to get rid of the RROD reputation. Why dont they just make the xboxs more durable?? Tada. Its fixed.
  13. Jebus! What have I missed!?!?!
  14. That sniper and warthog looks bad a$s
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