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About 1800modder

1800modder's Achievements

Private Grade 2

Private Grade 2 (5/44)



  1. yep KV are going to be gone soon and i think RTH is next to being leeked
  2. lol sell him a banned test kit xD
  3. not leget the dl link is BS
  4. actually SMC hacked xboxes were ment to run XELL and make .ELF files for games and applications that were leagally built and distro to everyone, but people of freeboot perfected the rebooter from 2007 when the KK exploit failed, and went down hill ever since. But I agree from you, da*n thoes fu*king kiddies PO ms just to make money/Ruin the XBL experience.
  5. I thought when talking to thez interwebs thee grammer dount count xD @halo3 sell the SMC HACKED XBOX U SCRUB KITTY. >_> I had mine since AUG of 09 be4 COD BS, XBR, and FREEBOOT, just XELL and couple of LEGAL emulators xD
  6. make sure ur in the splash screen or at the mainmenu saying play the beta or quit to dash. Edit u can just poke changes and not save if you wish, and the ascension there can only do meta editor poke and not the meta tag grid poke for jtags. and here you go for that xD Ascension.rar
  7. Hate .net 4.0 >_>
  8. LOL I Post on ReWork3d to releace it and a day later BAM xD
  10. or the nand have bad flash.
  11. o no hammer of dawn is back xD
  12. all u need to do is buy/make a sidecar and then its WIN.
  13. well what engine does FF uses mMmm campaign engine, and invasion tested the campaing respawn engine as well.
  14. recomended flash with xellous xD + its "How to JTAG/SMC hack the Xbox 360"
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